War of Faith

from June 23, 2003 Spiegel

Mormons vs. Mormonen.de

The "Church of the Latter Day Saints, which is increasingly active in Germany, wants to shut its critics off. A special thorn in the side of this branch of the Utah Mormons is the critical web site mormonen.de.

Frankfurt am Main - The German office of the "Church of the Latter Saints of Jesus Christ" wants to take Gunnar Werner, the operator of the mormonen.de website to task this week before the Frankfurt am Main Superior State Court with a 174-page complaint.

The cult expert from Leipzig has published information and advice at his web address for over five years. The Mormons, known by cult specialists as the LDS Church, (headquarters Salt Lake City), have been known to use deception in their campaigns. So Werner stopped them from owning a domain by the name of "mormonen.info", because they've never been able to prove (and still can't) that they have market rights on the word "Mormons."

That general word, "Mormons", associated with polygamy, has been vehemently rejected as a label by adherents. Now the LDS asserts that it has always used the name.
