page 176

The Scientology Secret Service

According to "Welt am Sonntag" ["World on Sunday"] of October 16, 1994, the former FBI chief of Los Angeles, Ted Gunnarson, stated "that the sect had one of the most finely tuned espionage networks that one could imagine."

Undercover operations are the responsibility of the "Office of Special Affairs." In German-speaking areas, it becomes the "Office of Public Affairs" (Büro für Öffentliche Angelegenheiten) for public relations reasons. This office is basically concerned with their understanding of their own defense of Scientology and encompasses target groups which have to interact with each other: governments, press, opposition groups, and finally persons or groups that cause a nuisance.

In the officially accessible books of Scientology there is very little material about these kinds of activities. Since this deals with one of the most active Scientology organizations, we may confidently gather that the true methods of procedure are dealt with as very confidential processes.

Dealing with the Government

If Scientology feels itself being set upon by a government or by courts, the official Scientology rules include the following:[1]

page 177

At the prospect of danger from governments or courts, there are only two mistakes which can be made: (a) doing nothing, and (b) defending yourself. The correct things to do, in order to counter every threat, are:

1. find out if we want to play the game which is being offered or not;

2. if not, throw the game off track with a maneuver of deception or with an attack on the most vulnerable point which can be found in the ranks of the enemy;

3. bring about enough of a threat or uproar to discourage the enemy/ shudder him into silence;

4. not try to gain some type of financial profit out of it;

5. use each attack against us to sell Scientology, and

6. to win.


In case we are attacked by somebody or something or some organization on a vulnerable point, then find enough threatening material against them, or manufacture it, in order to cause them to ask for peace. Peace is bought with an exchange of advantages, therefore manufacture an advantage and obtain agreement. Never defend yourself. Always attack. Never do nothing. Unexpected attacks in the rear of the enemy work best.

Threatening material should be "manufactured?" The original English word is "manufacture." This is a very critical sentence, and the rest also carries some import. Given here, I believe, are the instructions for anti-democratic, or even criminal, activity.

page 178

No wonder that the media is always talking about "psycho-terrorism" by Scientology.

It appears that Scientology is not really interested in a democratic way of life. Instead of that, deceptive maneuvers are taking place and threatening material is being manufactured.

The quotation comes out of the Hubbard directive, with which he established, on August 15, 1960, the new "Department for Government Affairs," the predecessor the the later Guardian's Office and today's Department for Special (or "public") Affairs[2] .

Lobbyist work is also performed by the Office of Special Affairs. Scientology lobbying, however, goes one step further than previously known forms:

to worsen the credibility and the publicity of societies and persons who have a goal which is directed against those of Scientology. [...]
to exert constant pressure upon governments to obtain pro-Scientology legislative representation and to prevent anti-Scientology representation from groups perceived to be hostile to Scientology. [...]

If we look at the purpose and the activities of this post, then it should be immediately apparent that we actually have, to use an old political expression, the equivalent of a Ministry of Propaganda and Security. [...]

Although this department apparently has [the group] as its target, they actually deal with nothing other than INDIVIDUALS.
In order to attain this, they only have to gain individual people as friends and allies.
For example:

page 179

(a) The activity of getting better press consists of establishing a friendship with the publisher that gives the reporter his orders. It does not really consist of handling the reporter. [...]
(e) The activity of influencing energetic Scientologists will be carried out by making friends with the person and affirming what they say, and encouraging them to do what they want to without really getting involved in their program.
(f) The activity of bringing about a pro-Scientology government consists of making friends with the highest-ranked governmental person that one can find, and placing Scientologists in their private household and in office positions in their vicinity, and to see to it through this, that Scientology is relieved of its concerns and its case [its spiritual troubles].
(g) The activity of reducing hostile reports in public consists of stubbornly rejecting these reports as persecution to the person who spreads them, and to confront this person directly, thereby doing away with direct opposition.[...]

-- If it is a group problem, find the most important person and influence him.

-- If it has to do with a nebulous group, which has no key person, then pay no more attention to it.

-- Only information about individuals is useful for application.

-- Only actions against individuals are productive.

-- Forget "all them." Find him or her.

-- Use Scientology to solve individual problems.

-- Never stop an attack until you have found and contacted the key person. Then apply Scientology.[3]

page 180

We clearly see that the Scientology Ministry of Propaganda and Security is supposed to use all means that a person can imagine: staff members are to be funneled into governmental circles, pressure is to be exerted upon governments, etc. We see, once again, the known tactics of Scientology: attack the individual, denigrate him so that his own friends won't listen to him any more until he is finally alienated from everything. There is nothing new in the story. The fact that a community which is supposedly religious uses such means speaks for itself. Welcome to the Inquisition.

Instructions for Psycho-Terrorism

In 1960 Hubbard gave instructions for exploitation using real-life psycho-terrorism. In order to understand the following quote, the word "engram" must first be cleared up. In Scientology, an engram means something like: "a moment in which the thought system of a person makes a record of physical pain and unconsciousness." When one recalls such a moment, and I think the reader will agree with me here, it is not a pleasant experience. A car accident, the loss of a close relative or friend, such events could, if we look back on them later, bring about negative emotions in us.

If[4] the Department of Government Affairs works with vim and vigor, yes, even with foolhardiness, then it will build a shield behind which organizations can work.

For example, the BMA [British Medical Association] attacks Scientology in Australia .

page 181

1. Answer: Fling massive communication against the weakest point of the BMA - their individual doctors. Flood them with petitions for modification to the health laws, which they are supposed to sign.

2. Launch the attack in connection with some group which is hated by the government.

3. Handle every person personally, who signs anything for the BMA, with threats and civil suits.

4. Throw the situation onto the political stage, introduce legislature which would deprive the BMA of all rights so that healing would be permitted by anybody.

5. Put the attack of the BMA in a ridiculous light.

6. Attack the medical practice.

7. Investigate gruesome practices in a loud manner. (Always conduct these investigations loudly, never quietly.)

8. Bring about the distinct impression to the public and the government and even the BMA that they have landed in a cross fire of arrows or electronic cannon, and that any further attack from their side will lead to their own disintegration.

Since all of this will be carried out on the thought or idea level, the restimulation of their engrams will result in the distinct impression that they are surrounded by their own corpses and that the defensive batteries can begin firing at any moment.

And if one does not libel or slander them in written form, then they have no defense.

If it were possible that individual memories of negative experiences could be awakened in this manner, then the known opponents of Scientology, if they started getting psychosomatic pains, would be best off just sending their doctor bills to Scientology. ...

page 182

Notice the sentence, "Launch the attack upon the BMA in connection with some group which is hated by the government." An example: if Scientology is criticized by a politician in Germany the Scientology solution is that these critics must be compared to the Nazis in the Third Reich. In the eyes of the other politicians, the critics will have been set on an equal plane with that of the Nazis. Naturally, the political party does not want that, and quickly calls the critics back into ranks.[5]

Finally this is nothing other than a propagandistic diversionary measure. It has occurred to whoever operates, using these methods, that they themselves will be scrutinized at every step.

The Media

If no sort of criticism is tolerated in their own ranks, and every serious discussion is nipped in the bud, then it is a natural consequence that such an organization will not accept any sort of criticism from outside. The real-life over-reaction of Scientology against critics, sometimes journalists, has a long tradition, and is rooted in the origins of Scientology: L. Ron Hubbard entered an area in which psychology and psychiatry had already laid claim. He, himself, was not a member of this professional group. He was apparently not interested in having his observations and processes put to the test in the realm of clinical science. The vehement attacks against his Dianetics, and later, against Scientology, naturally led to the conclusion inside of Scientology that any criticism must automatically be annihilated.

Scientology immediately feels under attack by any journalist, since they think they know that he has already written their story before he even showed up for the interview.

page 183

As far as the media goes, Scientology always stands, figuratively speaking, with its back to the wall, and tries desperately to defend itself, come what may.

Scientology's counter-action consists of using every article which expresses itself positively about them as a public relations document to its own members, then broadcasting it around the world, even if it comes from a minor local paper. The placement of positive articles about Scientology into the media was a regular sport several years ago, in which I also took part. Successful actions (advance releases) by Scientology are sent around the globe, accompanied, in part, by the completed articles. Therefore, journalism is good when it writes something positive, bad when it writes something negative.

Philosophic Superstructure to Criticism

Scientology has difficulty distinguishing between uncontrolled griping and objective criticism. This is understandable if one takes Scientology's claim of absoluteness into account. Any negative word about Scientology must immediately be attacked. Scientology does itself harm with the word "critic" alone, as we have seen from its explanations and definitions. Scientology, which criticizes its enemies, apparently excludes itself from its own definition.

Critical Thoughts: They are always a symptom that the person who is being investigated has committed an [dishonest deed] against this or that, against whatever he has been criticizing. Critical thoughts, comments and attitudes against something always indicate a previous, actual, committed dishonest deed.[6]

page 184

If a person performs an evil deed, according to Scientology, then he must later, in order to justify this deed, speak derogatorily of whatever he has harmed. He can never break out of this cycle. As soon as this evil deed is made known to the complainer, he is freed from the cycle of perpetually committing evil deeds and then complaining. In regards to critics, it means that their crimes, which are always at hand according to Scientology, have to be found.

Practical Preventative Measures against Critics

The criminal avoids the daylight. And we are the daylight.

Understand this as a technical fact, not as a hopeful idea. Each time that we have looked into the background of a critic, we have found crimes for which the person or group could have been put into prison in accordance with the current laws. We do not have critics of Scientology who do not have a criminal background. We have proved this again and again.

Since criminals only make up 20 percent of the population, we find ourselves in the majority. [...]

We slowly and thoroughly teach the unhealthy a lesson. And this goes: "We are not criminal investigators, BUT we will become interested in the crimes of any person that wants to hold us back. If you fight Scientology or oppose it, then we will immediately seek out your crimes - and we will find them and expose them. If you leave us alone, then we will leave you alone."

That is very simple. Even a blockhead could understand. [...]

page 185

Never discuss Scientology with a critic. Only discuss their crimes, whether they are known or not. And act with full certainty that those crimes are there. Because they exist.[7]

In other words, Scientology is infallible. Everybody who expresses himself critically has crimes in his past, is therefore a criminal, an insane person, a suppressive person. And this person must now be stopped cold. Every truly believing Scientologist will, of course, be inwardly fixated by such marked words. His subconsciousness will be reduced so that things which would make your hair stand on end can happen, as long as they are "for the good of Scientology."

The above quoted tactics are clear: try to attack the individual so that he has to worry about defending his own viewpoint and is therefore discredited. It happens the same way inside of Scientology. The Zurich Scientology organization has looked at Hugo Stamm, a journalist who has been critical of Scientology for years, "down to his underwear," (as Mr. Stettler, Chief of the Zurich Office of Special Affairs, told me four years ago). Nevertheless they have not yet been able to find his "criminal past."

"Handling" Journalists

The press officers of Scientology are thoroughly prepared for their assignment. In the so-called "Reporter Training Drills", they make practice dealing with this unloved species. These exercises were developed by the "Guardian's Office," the old name for the Office of Special Affairs, and are found, together with others, in the documents of the Flag Effective Public Relations course.

page 186

Everything is allowed, from the "overwhelming" of a person regarded as suppressive journalist on up to the so-called "verbal karate." A journalist is a "suppressive" if he does not practice journalism as Scientology sees fit.

Control of a suppressive report is achieved, according to the Reporter Drills, by four methods:

-- by overwhelm.
-- by buying time (delay)
-- by evasion through the appearance of an answer
-- by "verbal karate"

Generally speaking, the suppressive journalist must be brought into a position of effect. That means he must be disconcerted and averted. Of course direct attacks against the person of the journalist could also succeed, as can be taken from other directives of L. Ron Hubbard.


Purpose: to train the Public Relations Officer to establish an "ethics presence" over a suppressive reporter, should the occasion arise, and to do this completely at cause until the poor reporter has become effect.

Method: if, after an attempt to handle the reporter in a friendly manner, he continues to be vulgar/rude/impudent, then you must work to find the right degree by which you can successfully establish your control. With a few reporters this could (very rarely) consist of raising your voice, slamming the table, or pointing your finger at them. This would only be used as a last resort, but it is necessary to know how one deals with it.

page 187

In other words, the reporter should be confused, deceived, and disconcerted. Perhaps he should even feel guilty for having personally insulted the poor Scientology Public Relations Officer. Any reporter who does not pay attention will rapidly be disconcerted.

Buying Time

Purpose: to train the Public Relations Officer to maintain his posture and his ability to confront when he is speaking with a reporter over the telephone about a suppressive news sensation of which he has not yet learned.

Method: the reporter calls the PR Officer in order to find out his position in regards to a turbulent situation which involves a member of his organization. The PR Officer maintains his ethics presence and reflects the unpleasant part back onto the reporter, to the reporter's satisfaction. Then he sees about getting enough time, and convinces the reporter to wait a few minutes or hours or however long is necessary, while he investigates the facts.

Where Scientology is involved, the process is exactly the same: you get all the facts that you can from the reporter, give no information yourself, and reassure him.

An "apparent answer" is part of the repertoire of a PR Officer who has been trained by Scientology. The PR Officer should only appear to answer the question of the reporter, in which he makes a generalized statement in simple words, so that the reporter "does not notice" that his question has not even been answered.

Verbal Karate

Method: The Public Relations Officer will be asked a series of various questions, which have to do with his company or organization.

page 188

If the questions are sincere, then he answers them in such a way that he can append his own message to the answer, if possible. In the event that the question puts him the tiniest bit at effect, then he does not show that he is nervous or has been taken off guard, but maintains his position, maintains his dignity, remains composed, and strikes back quickly in order to establish his "ethics presence." Besides the training drills outlined above, there also appears to be a highly confidential "Intelligence Specialist Training Routine L," exercises in lying, which apparently came to light in 1977 after an FBI raid in the USA. In these the person is trained to lie so that his lies are accepted. [8]

The Case of Paulette Cooper

In 1971, the American journalist, Paulette Cooper, published her critical book, The Scandal of Scientology. What happened after that under the code name "Operation Freakout" is something you would expect to find in a spy novel.

Paulette Cooper was framed for a crime which she did not commit. This was first proved by confidential Scientology documents. The journalist was the target of a professional campaign of defamation which was convincing enough to the FBI that she was suspected of making a bomb threat. This action is reported to have taken place in 1976. The internal Scientology instruction of April 1, 1976 included the following:

MAIN GOAL: to see to it that PC [Paulette Cooper] is put into a psychiatric institution or into prison, or that she is affected to the extent that she stops her attacks.

page 189

That was followed by a detailed plan which outlined how she was to be framed, and in which a look-alike, who would be recognizable as her, was to play a role.

The former President of the Religious Technology Center, Vicky Aznaran, addressed the issue in her sworn testimony of March 7, 1994:

A counterfeit bomb-threat letter was written on her [Paulette Cooper's] letterhead paper. There was at least one more operation that was launched against Mrs. Cooper. It basically consisted of setting her up with a "friend" in order to increase her tendency to suicide, in the hopes that she would commit suicide.

Mrs. Cooper is very lucky that these documents of the Scientology Secret Service were found by the FBI, and proved her innocence.

Pretty strong action for a "church"!

Freedom -
The Scientology "Exposè Magazine"

Freedom first appeared in the German language in Fall, 1994. The magazine published by Scientology in Germany, Freiheitsspiegel, published in Switzerland as Freiheit, both followed the same pattern. Stacey Young, who had been a regular staff member of this magazine, gave the following explanation in April, 1994:

page 190

The magazine "Freedom" is a Scientology publication which is designed to serve as a vehicle of attack against individuals and groups which Scientology sees as a threat. [...] I also write articles for other Scientology publications.

As a result of my experience as an author for these various Scientology publications, I am familiar with the Scientology practice of changing each target audience that they want to manipulate.

I often wrote the same basic story for each publication, but changed the wording to fit the overall direction of the magazine so that it would line up with the target audience of that publication.

As an author for OSA I was also responsible for the writing of counter-presentations of negative reports about Scientology, which appeared in various newspapers throughout the entire country.

Freiheit (or Freiheitsspiegel or Freedom) likes to paint itself with a coat of neutrality. Actually, it has to do with promoting Scientology. Their neutrality is smoke and mirrors.

Scientology reads Scientology With(out) an End

I will give you another example of the methods of operation for the Office of Special Affairs. It will most probably be the way this book is dealt with. The purpose of this process is to calm every member who reads this book, or perhaps thinks "unclean" thoughts, in spite of constant instructions to the contrary:

page 191

A. The book will be translated into English.

B. Local Scientology staff members will make their collective critical comments, and will delineate and group the so-called "enemy lines."

C. For each of these "enemy remarks," a group of documents will be collected that are supposed to "prove" the opposite, and to show the author to be incorrect, or it will just be blatantly asserted that he is someone who has not done his research. These documents will contain something disconcerting for each Scientologist who has read (or at least looked at) this book. After reading these documents, he will know that Voltz is an evil suppressive person. This is how the Scientology PR technique of an "acceptable truth" comes about:

Dealing with the truth is a delicate matter. You do not have to tell everything that you know - that would lead to the collapse of communication lines in any case. Tell an "acceptable truth." [9]

Under no circumstances should one of the critical points be acknowledged as well-founded, nor should Voltz be acknowledged to have been right. Wherever he refers to material which originated from the "Guardian's Office," the predecessor of the Office of Special Affairs, it will be boldly reported that this is no longer valid "today," even though high-ranking former members have testified under oath to the contrary.

D. Attorneys will investigate as to whether the publication of this book is legally assailable.

E. In Los Angeles, where all the Scientology folders are (including the allegedly confidential folders of Scientology's individual counseling), anything on the subject of "Voltz" will be gathered and perused to see what kind of dirty laundry can be hung out in order to discredit Voltz - and this book. An attempt will be made to find or insinuate something doubtful or criminal from the past.

page 192

F. If Scientology is able to find out the foreign-language publishers in which this book is to appear, then they will exert pressure in advance, in order to prevent the publication of this book.

G. An in-depth interrogation will be conducted of Voltz' former (Scientology) friends in order to obtain potentially discrediting information. Herr Stettler of Scientology Zurich has already put together quite a thick folder on me, as I have learned from confidential sources.

H. Of course, any Scientology connection to Voltz has long since been broken off. Whoever, despite this, makes contact with Voltz, is doing this with the express permission from higher places and has been assigned to act as spy who is supposed to gather or promulgate definite information.

Regardless of where in the world this book appears, the documentation is in place and must be pulled off the shelves.

This system is effective. Stanley Milgram is right. Many former Scientologists do not dare to raise their voices because of the risk of having confidential or personal information made public - information which was given by them in trust to the "church."

Secret Service Activities/Intelligence Actions

Until 1989, Stacey Young was the chief editor of the Scientology magazine, Freedom. Her husband, Robert Vaughn Young, was a member of the Sea Organization for twenty years, during which time he worked almost exclusively for the Office of Special Affairs. Both were highly placed personalities, and, in particular, Vaughn Young had made a name for himself in the inner circles of Scientology.

page 193

In 1994, five years after their departure from Scientology, both of them began to talk about what really went on in this department of Scientology. They could do this because they had contact with other high ranking former members who left Scientology after they did.

In April, 1994, Vaughn Young stated that the doctrine of "fair game," which we have already spoken about (see page 174), was still a steadfast component of Scientology's craft. He named examples of Hubbard directives used by the Office of Special Affairs, which he stated were a direct progression of the idea of "fair game."

In April of 1994, Stacy Young wrote:

I have personal knowledge that the practice, which was formerly known as "fair game," is still used, even though the expression "fair game" is no longer used. The tactics referring to this are part of the core instructions which are studied and used by staff of the Office of Special Affairs.

Vaughn Young's statement and sworn testimony also quotes a whole series of highly confidential internal Hubbard directives. According to Young, one of these directives includes:

A covert operation essentially has the goal of shaming, discrediting, annihilating, or ostracizing an actual or potential adversary. It behaves like a little war in which the starting points are not revealed. [10]

Another Hubbard directive, which concerns the founding of a new, secret organization inside of the Scientology organization, is quoted by Vaughn Young as follows:

page 194

One will determine that the [Public Investigation] Section possesses all the useful functions of an intelligence service and a propaganda office. [...] This section should realize that the media are interested in murder, use of force, destruction, violence, sex and dishonesty, and in just about this order. Investigations which detect these factors in the activities of individuals in groups hostile to Scientology are as valuable as they contain a set of these factors. [11]

When the American officials came upon the trail of the intelligence activities of Scientology in 1977, and conducted a raid on the intelligence headquarters in Los Angeles, the entire gambit of their activities slowly became evident. Raymond Banoun, the prosecuting attorney, stated in a memorandum occasioned by the sentencing of those charged (which included L. Ron Hubbard's wife, Mary Sue):

These crimes include: infiltration and larceny in a series of prominent private, national and world organizations, attorneys' offices, newspapers, and private persons; the carrying out of smear campaigns and unfounded legal procedures with the single goal of destroying private persons who have tried to make use of the First Amendment to the Constitution, the right of free speech; the slander of private persons who have been critically disposed towards Scientology, including the falsification of documents which have led to the pressing of charges against at least one innocent person, and the infringement of rights of prominent private persons and state officials.

That was 1979. Scientology apparently ceased their practices. In one of Scientology's legal procedures, which they sought and lost, the judge, Paul C. Beckenridge said, on June 10, 1984, in his decision against Scientology:

page 195

The Scientology organization has, in addition to its infractions and abuse of rights of its own members over the years, used this "fair game" doctrine to abuse and harass those people who are not in the church and who are seen by them to be their enemies. The organization is apparently schizophrenic and paranoid.

The former Scientologists in question, even after they were being sued by Scientology, continued to be "worked over" by [Scientology's] secret service. Judge Beckenridge determined:

After the previous charge had been settled on August 2, 1982, the complainant continued to harass Armstrong. This consisted of his being followed and observed by persons who have admitted that they were employed by the complainant; he was physically assailed by one of these individuals; he was run into by a car which was driven by one of these people; two attempts were made to involve him in car accidents. The named individuals entered the property of the accused, Armstrong, spied through his windows, caused disturbances, and annoyed his neighbors.

Vaughn Young, at this time, was still a staff member for the Office of Special Affairs, and he stated that he knew about these things:

I knew that, because I took part in the strategy sessions, and received orders from Hubbard as well as from David Miscavige "to get Armstrong." For example, Hubbard ordered that a wanted poster should be made up which characterized Armstrong as a criminal. (I did not carry out this order, for which I was severely reprimanded by Miscavige.

page 196

Neither has Scientology stopped at exerting undue influence upon a legal proceeding. This has led to, in at least one case, the denial of an Scientology appeal by a judge. In that case, on June 21, 1993, the judge gave his explanation in a report, which included the following:

The complainant [Scientology] has, a short time ago, begun to harass a former court employee who has helped me with this case, although she now lives in another city and is involved in other legal matters.

Who is "fair game" for Scientology. The hunting season is without end, and it is open on anyone who puts themselves too loudly or clearly in the way, who does not comply. Regardless of whether they are former Scientologists, journalists, or judge.



The Scientology Secret Service

  1. The paragraphs and numbering of the quotation have been maintained by the author. Hubbard article of August 15, 1960,
    Dept of Govt Affairs. [Return]
  2. Abbreviations: OSA = Office of Special Affairs,
    DSA = Department of Special Affairs. [Return]
  3. Hubbard article of March 13, 1963,
    Department of Special Affairs. [Return]
  4. The paragraphs and numbering of the quotation have been maintained by the author. For the quotation see note 1. [Return]
  5. After the conclusion of this manuscript a copy of a flier from the International Scientology Management of May 4, 1994 to Scientology organizations all over the world found its way into my hands.
    This flier began like this: "Your help is urgently needed for the defense of Scientology organizations and members in Germany from neo-Nazi government attacks." [Return]
  6. Scientology Administrative Dictionary. [Return]
  7. Hubbard article of November 5, 1967,
    Critics of Scientology. [Return]
  8. The Scientology Office of Special Affairs has a wide variety of of means and processes at their disposal. The presentation and discussion of this, particularly as concerns the extensive training handbook for secret service techniques, would be the topic of its own book. [Return]
  9. The quote (Hubbard Policy Letter of August 13, 1970, The Missing Component) comes from a context which talks about the setting up of Public Relations:
    "PR would like to have agreement with its own statement. For this reason the statement corresponds to the personal experience of the public.
    PR thus becomes a technique of communicating an acceptable truth which gets across the desired result.
    If there is no possibility of achieving a desired result, and if the truth would be harmful [for Scientology], then talk about something else." [Return]
  10. The quote from Vaughn Young is based on a confidential Hubbard directive of December 2, 1969 (Confidential Intelligence Actions: Covert Intelligence: Data Collection); the quote itself comes from a written declaration (early 1994) made by Vaughn Young as an expert witness for an legal firm in Los Angeles, which was representing an individual who had been sued by Scientology for slander.
    For the first time in the history of Scientology the Church withdrew their complaint before the begin of the main proceedings. [Return]
  11. From the same statement, based on a confidential Hubbard directive of February 17, 1969, Public Investigation Section. [Return]