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11. New Courses - New Steps

"Go Clear!" - "Clear the Planet"

These, and similarly worded sales slogans, express the first goal of the Scientologists' dream to become "clear." (Several peculiarities of that subject are in the biographical chapter.) A "clear" is supposed to be a true superhuman, nearly free from illness, and especially free from colds. Ex-Scientologist Robert Kaufman's book, "Superhumans among Us" contains some especially vivid descriptions.

After the first "clears" came into existence, however, this was no longer enough for sect Founder Hubbard. No surprise: first, he was no longer ahead of the clears, and second, there was nothing more to be earned from "clears."

Therefore Hubbard invented the OT, the OPERATING THETAN. This is a Thetan in action, a kind of superhuman, SUPERMAN!!! The Scientology magazines regularly publish their heroic deeds under the title of

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"I had just ended the session. My hand was writing, yet I found myself, thanks to my intention, above the earth. I was at a certain point above the Mediterranean Sea and could see from Alaska to Sweden. The majority of Africa was free from fog and clouds, Greenland and the Arctic sparkled in the sun . . . I could see the wonderful, greenish blue ice layers and how the sun shone through them."

One day the OT would not be enough either, so Hubbard invented new steps of OT, first OT I, then OT II, etc., up until (current) OT VII or VIII, whereby the next highest step - so it is said - will only be attained by the sect founder. Then the Scientology sect will begin to raise the rates, which were not exactly insignificant before (see the chapter on usurious prices). Monthly rates were 5% at first, then 10%, which comes to an annual rate of increase of 314%.

In order to justify this absurd rate of increase, new courses had to be introduced with the "year of the technical breakthrough," 1978. New courses were announced, with supposedly sensational offers, everything contained in



Here are several excerpts from the A4 size pages which were distributed in several languages, which, in part, deviate curiously in some degree from each other:

A. Preassessment

With the new Preassessment Technology, which was developed for NED, every illness and every condition which the PC would and should have handled is handled with a new technology.

E. Sweat Program

Several of these new drugs, such as the undercover drug LSD (was developed to poison and cripple whole cities) and Angel Dust (was developed by dishonest gamblers to handle race horses and to influence races), have the appalling habit of remaining in the body and unexpectedly reappearing at any time to send people on "trips." The "Sweat Program" has been refined to handle that. It is rather strenuous - but that is a traffic accident

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of an unexpected 'trip' gone awry. Anybody who has had the courage to take the Sweat Program and stick with it has emerged beaming.

G. Relief Rundown

It handles losses which drive people into the confusion and bleakness of life, and it washes the tears of time away.

H. Dianetics Students Rescue Intensive

Those people who find studying to be difficult will be delighted. The slow student will suddenly take in new knowledge lightning quick.

For years, a trend has been recognizable: Apply Scientology to any and everything. That began in 1956 with the Hubbard book, "Problems of Work," which [problems] were to be removed with Scientology. The provisional highlights are contained in "Ron's Journal 30":

J. Identity Rundown

Freud said that people who are unraveled and for whom things are unreal could never be handled, this RD puts him into the wrong and the PC in the right.

K. Inability Rundown

For a PC, all inability can assume several forms, beginning with the inability to talk to girls up to the inability to speak Arabic. Now we have a method of handling that, and it works.

The number of "clears" has been very limited for years. In 1968 the thousandth "clear" was introduced. 10 years later there were still only 6,000 in the entire world. That brought problems for the Scientology sect, because the higher levels could only be sold to "clears," and these bring in rather much money for Scientology.

The Solution

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"Dianetic Clears

Without a doubt, the big news that was very much talked about all over the entire world throughout 1978, was the gigantic number of people for whom it has been discovered that they had gone Dianetic Clear. From 1950 on people were asking, "Where are all the clears?" They were there all the time! In 1978 I discovered that it was deadly to continue to audit a Dianetic Clear with Dianetics. It gave the appearance of no case gain! (naturally). As I announced, as a result, that auditing Dianetic Clears with Dianetics was forbidden, people began to look around and saw that they had produced Dianetics Clears and simply continued! The PC who had done it had not been declared to be Clear and further Dianetics did not work with him (naturally). In 1978, after my announcement, auditors began to investigate it and listen to the PC and found out that Clears were everywhere!

NED now produces much faster wins and many (not all) NED PC's have begun to go Clear.

And the number of Clears continues to soar, just like a computer.

When they were rehabilitated and it was permitted to declare them Dianetic Clears, suddenly the full results of Clear were realized!

Avalanches of exciting success stories came in to me by the thousands from the entire world for months.

And it is interesting that among those who were found are a couple who had gone clear in a past life in the 1950's! (That is an entirely beautiful piece of work, being able to find the folder and date from their last lives, so that they would be able to continue on to full OT!) "Where are the Clears?" There they were!"

This news will have deeply affected many Scientologists if it is known with absolute certainty that a "clear" can be recognized with the help of an E-meter. And the Scientologists firmly believe in it, as Hubbard says:

"The E-meter is never wrong. It sees everything. It knows everything. It reveals everything."

However, in this case, the E-meter has overlooked the thousands of cases of the richly blessed "clear" states, and there is no explanation for it. For many Scientologists a world may have collapsed, even if it was only a dream world. Hubbard skims over that in his "Journal 30" with a passing sentence:

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In case you have gotten the wrong impression that Scientology was brought to task in 1978, you should know that the new public has bought Scientology writings in a bestselling trend.

That will probably not be good enough for many Scientologists, and it will hardly make up for it that new courses are being presented in "Journal 30."

"New Marriage Intensive

With this married men and women handle marital difficulties so that they are capable of leading a happy married life. It can rekindle the blossoms of spring romance!

New Teacher and Supervisor Intensive

This is for any person who has to do with teaching or supervising or training, and enables them to become a far better teacher or supervisor.

New Money Processing Intensive

This handles the inability to handle money and leads to the ability to increase income.

New Profession Intensive

This enables people to overcome difficulties which they may encounter in their profession or in a given subject area.

New Fixated Person Rundown

This enables a person to overcome a condition of having their attention fixated on one person."

All these course are also provided for "clears" and that is actually completely incomprehensible, because according to Hubbard's own theories a "clear" should not ever have these problems at all. The innumerable new courses also include the following:

"New Dianetic Clear Rehabilitation

The condition of the Dianetic Clear is checked and rehabilitated, which, in most cases, is a very fast action. It has to be checked because, if a person has not reached it, then he has to take the Clearing course; and if he has really reached Dianetic Clear, it would disastrous to take the Clearing Course, because, of course, he is already Clear. That is why

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AO's are now engaged in a project of renovating folder archives, particularly of the few PCs who have died in the last couple of decades. Continue to bring them their own folders, or have them sent to the AO when they go."

One could probably find it objectionable if the life history of a deceased person would now be used as a past life of a living person.

In this context, a reference should probably be made to the problem of DATA SECURITY, see law violations. Every Scientologist, especially including every ex-Scientologist, should know that his folders will be used after his death as motivation for expensive courses.


12. The Cover Companies

List of Cover Companies

ACADEME - Initiative which promotes independent learning

Aktionskommitee für freie religiöse Entfaltung, München
[Action Committee for free religious development, Munich]

ALV - Arbeitskreis für Liberale Bildungsinformation der Verbraucher 
e.V., Darmstadt
[Work group for liberal learning consumer information, Darmstadt]

CFAP - College for Applied Philosophy, in several cities

Communication Center, Ulm 

Dianetics College, Frankfurt 

Studierkreis angewandter Philosophie, Gelsenkirchen
[Applied Philosophy Study Group, Gelsenkirchen]

Deutsche Liga für Menschenrechte, e.V., München
[German League for Human Rights, Munich]

Patientenhilfe e.V., München 
[Patient Assistance, Munich]

Kommitee Wahres Christentum
[Committee of True Chistianity]

Kommission für Verstöße des Bürgers gegen Datenmißbrauch, München
[Commission for Citizens Violations against Data Misuse, Munich]

Commission for Police Reform, Munich

Institute for Applied Philosophy, Munich

Gesellschaft zur Förderung religiöser Toleranz und
zwischenmenschlicher Beziehungen e.V., München 
[Society for the Advancement of Religious Tolerance and
 Inter-personal Relationships, Munich]

Aktion Sauberes Ministerium, München
[Cleaner Ministries Campaign, Munich]

ZIEL - Zentrum für Individuelles und effektives Lernen e.V., München
[ABLE - Association for Better Living and Education, Munich]

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Cover Companies

The Scientology Sect's success would hardly be conceivable without its cover companies. The German Federal Assembly itself has already been involved with these cover companies multiple times. This is from the session record of the Federal Assembly of May 12, 1978:

"The federal administration shares the opinion that the effect of the Commission for Psychiatric Human Rights Violations, a cover company of the Scientology sect, is to destabilize those who are psychically ill and their dependents, and bring discredit upon establishments for psychiatric care and their staff."

"The Commission for Psychiatric Human Rights Violations, as well as the Scientology Church itself have, by widespread publications, spread untrue and slanderous assertions about relations in German psychiatry. Attached are the legal decisions which have denied distribution of this type of assertions."

"The federal government will direct that information and public relations work be increased on the objectionable practices of the Commission for Psychiatric Human Rights Violations. In these endeavors, the continued engagement of social organizations, the Aktion Bildungsinformation in Stuttgart in particular, are actively supported."

The Federal administration answered a small inquiry by numerous representatives on July 24, 1979 with Publication 8/2790. 17 cover companies alone of the Scientology sect were identified by name in it.

Ordering info: Verlag Dr. Heger P. 2008 21 53 Bonn 2

Why Cover Companies?

The Scientology sect has a very poor reputation in many places. Very few of their numerous press releases are actually published by the press. However, the Scientology sect needs the press in their worldwide membership recruitment as a document of public acknowledgment. Because of this, articles about the cover companies are frequently found in advertisements internal to Scientology, where they are supposed to reinforce the view of members and their dependents. Since Scientology followers generally believe anything the sect puts in front of them, such articles also strengthen the self consciousness of the adherent as well as the coherence of the organization.

The cover companies are repeatedly interwoven one with the other and with the staff of the Scientology sect.

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In this booklet we can only give some examples at this time, but that does not at all mean that more information is not available. For the most part, the cover companies are registered associations, which makes them legal entities. Some inquisitive journalists have found that these associations have filed everything with the registry court in the usual manner, and even somewhat more. No conclusions at all can be drawn from the registry documents. Even the ZIEL association gives only the name of sect founder Hubbard, but his "Scientology" trademark is not mentioned.

Various groups have been found to be cover companies by their goal and purpose.

Disguising the Name:

These organizations either do not use the Scientology trademark in their name, or use it only in hidden places. However, it is relatively simple to figure out that these serve as Scientology organizations:

College for Applied Philosophy, reg.: There are a series of associations by this name in cities such as Stuttgart, Munich, Berlin, Hamburg and Frankfurt.

Dianetic College, reg. or Dianetics, reg.: The same goes for these. Neither organization appears overly concerned with either religion or churches.

Institute for Applied Philosophy: Organizations such as these or with similar sounding names are occasionally founded by former Scientologists.

Cover Companies which provide services

A Scientologist, as is known, regards himself as a type of superhuman. Therefore it only makes sense that he apply sect founder Hubbard's "technology" in other areas.

Narconon reg.: Associations by this name are (so far) in Munich, Berlin and Frankfurt. These associations claim to do away with drug withdrawal. A success rate of 80% is advertised, an incredibly high number. The Berlin Senate apparently believed this number: until 1976, it was a burden upon public social aid - about 1.5 million DM was given out for drug withdrawal in Narconon. After the relationship to Scientology was made known through press releases and a television broadcast, the results of an extensive investigation by experts was presented before the Senate.

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The results of this investigation were that the fabulous success rate being cited was nothing but a bluff. The trick is simple and typical of the Scientology sect and its skirting of the truth: "successes" were measured in terms of who had finished the Scientology course (this is what the entirety of the drug rehabilitation program consisted of).

Actually, the success of drug withdrawal can only be measured in how many subjects consistently stay away from narcotics. Using this criteria, the experts found out that, at most, 10% of those "treated" at Narconon were drug-free. However, one can hardly describe this as being re-socialized: withdrawal is only successful when the former addict can once again take care of himself. Of the 10% who were allegedly drug-free, a considerable number of those were part of the Narconon staff, and some were even living in the Narconon building.

This exchange of dependencies from drugs into the sect was extensively documented by Berlin journalist Jochen Maes (available from Zitty-Verlag).

Since then, the Berlin Senate has stopped its payments.

Narconon was able to exploit the current situation: a steadily rising number of drug deaths and insufficient rehab openings. For this reason, the Senate had paid for the alleged Narconon withdrawal even though its connection to Scientology had long been known: it was for addicts who had been refused by other rehabilitation centers and were in a life-threatening situation.

Ziel: Zentrum für individuelles und effektives Lernen e.V.
[ABLE: Association for Better Living and Education]

This association first made itself known in Switzerland, and got a considerable amount of press. "A group of Swiss teachers," said the German ZIEL, got together to spread the learning technology of Hubbard, the great American "humanist." In Germany, ZIEL appeared for the first time in the renowned "Südwestdeutschen Schulblättern," the magazine of the Philologist Association of Baden-Württemberg. The "precision technology" of the "American humanist" was effusively announced. It was also very impressive that "in Mexico, 4,500 teachers were officially trained in this method."

The only thing awkward about this for Scientology and ZIEL was that the Mexican Ambassador expressly denied this and requested the situation be "rectified." The author of the ZIEL article was Rainer Pabel, the public school professor from Stuttgart who was described by the "Stuttgarter Zeitung" newspaper on June 8, 1979, as a "tout for destructive youth religions." This pedagogue had not deemed it necessary to mention a single word that the main profession of this American humanist

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was that of founder of the Scientology sect. Using the same logic, one could introduce Hitler to students as a great highway builder. (Rainer Pabel wrote a telephone number where he could be reached on the blackboard before school holidays. He spent his vacation in England, and the number is that of the Saint Hill sect center. In order to get into England, Pabel must have given an incorrect purpose of travel and kept the real purpose of his trip quiet, since, as is known, foreign Scientologists are refused entry there.)

In other places - where he smuggled his compositions past the editorial staff, so to speak - Pabel was more clear, at least for someone who knows a little bit about Scientology: in order to tear down learning difficulties - according to Pabel - the teacher uses "mostly the 'word clearing method,' which is built upon exact rules." These rules are those of the sect founder to whose words are adapted Scientology's own meaning, or at least can be adapted, as previously described.

At that point, ZIEL was only active in Switzerland. "FRAU" magazine reported in detail on the ZIEL motto, "learning how one learns" about the "study technology of the American trainer and humanist, L. Ron Hubbard." If that weren't enough, Hubbard's biography was dealt with and his activities presented for the various organizations, which are repeated here only by their abbreviations, due to lack of space:

         GER US

And finally, "ZIEL" in Switzerland and in the [German] Federal Republic. Dianetics and Scientology organizations in 38 countries on five continents."

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In a three full pages of a magazine article, there was only one single reference to Scientology, and that was in the second to last line: a PR masterpiece.

Proceedings to register ZIEL as an association in Germany followed on October 12, 1979, in Munich. On February 23, 1979, ZIEL was entered under Nr. VR 9500 in the Association Register in the Office Court of Munich. One can find there:

2 Purpose of the Association

The purpose of the association is the development and promotion and application of effective instructional, study and learning technology. The association is involved with the development and rehabilitation of the ability to study and learn of students, pre-schoolers, parents, teachers and persons otherwise interested.

The association pursues this mission exclusively with the aid of the study and learning technology which was developed by L. Ron Hubbard.

Not a single word that this "technology" is usually sold under the trademark of Scientology. Neither is there one word about Scientology. However, there is the clue that the association

"exclusively and directly pursues purposes for the common good in the sense of the paragraph on 'tax favored purposes' of the tax regulations ... ."

In plain language, the association wants to be acknowledged by the revenue office as being for the common good and not pay taxes.

Seven founding members have signed the founding records, as the minimum number of members required by association law. The majority of these can be made out to be diligent Scientologists with no trouble, such as, for example, Christa Stock-Thies, the 7,933rd Scientologist to become "clear" of the alleged 12 million members. And Edith von Thüngen, who is also the chairman representing the "Commission for Psychiatric Human Rights Violations, reg." who gives her profession as "auditor."

In Stuttgart, ZIEL rents a run-down apartment building. It can be recognized by:

Closed window shutters and no name plates on the door, highly unusual for this area. Students are given remedial tutoring there, and at the close of instruction, a 13 year old was given yellow leaflets which he was supposed to distribute at school. The text of the page:

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ZIEL Student Course

Bad grades, school failures, listlessness and boredom are part of the daily routine in today's schools, it is a fact that one has to learn in school without having learned. Every profession has a requisite for a thorough education before one can become a part of it. Learning in school is exactly the same way. The student must first learn how one learns before he can get involved with individual subjects. This knowledge about learning should be taught before the the first class. However, because this fundamental instruction is lacking, students now have the opportunity to participate in the student course with ZIEL. It is a course which has yielded excellent results for a long time and which enables the student to learn self-reliantly and effortlessly.

The student who was to distribute the leaflets behaved correctly, and asked his teacher if he was permitted to distribute the leaflets. The teacher was upset by the price: 450 DM for a "max. 4 weeks" without any hint as to how much the minimum could be, without any reference to the affiliation of the group, type of course or daily course schedule (coincidentally, a contract such as this is void because its content is not definable.)

As a result, the teacher sought assistance from the ABI, and the ABI, on August 6, 1979, published a press release entitled "New Cover Company of the infamous Scientology sect. Target group: Students." This statement gave rise to considerable recoil from the press; a number of newspapers treated it as headlines.

The Scientology sect reacted as usual. On August 22, 1979, it - not the ZIEL association - sent out a press release. In its original:

"The Scientology Church is presently preparing to take extensive legal steps against the 'ABI.' On the basis of the latest experience, it advises that the 'ABI' no longer be described as a consumer association, but as a 'false information campaign.'"

"False Information Campaign" is what the sect called the ABI in their first public street demonstration, after the State court had prohibited them from advertising on the street. It had already taken legal steps on numerous occasions, at a high cost, but in vain. The press release had the same result Scientology press releases have when the sect changes its own name: no reaction by the press of any kind. It is not rare for the cover organizations to get press, such as the example of the Swiss magazine "FRAU" has shown.

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Disguised Reform Organizations

The least important first:

Commission for Police Reform, Munich

One asks what the Scientology sect wants with a Commission for Police Reform? Quite simple: the police collect information and exchange it over state boundaries. That is how the report of the Federal Criminal Investigative Office came about, the one the Scientology sect vehemently protests today. Add to that a quotation from Hubbard's directives about dealing with opponents:


Therefore we must act like a reform group. [. . .]

We object to slavery, oppression, torture, murder, perversion, crime, political sin and anything that makes Man unfree.

Remember - the only reason we are in trouble with the press or governments is that we are not searching out and exposing rotten spots in the society.

HCOPL OF 25 February 1966
"Attacks on Scientology"

Using the term "commission" is just as clever as it is misleading. Using normal language, a commission has to do with a committee, usually one established by the state and upon which scientific experts sit and often which has a chairman who must be "capable of judicial office", that is a full attorney with 2 state examinations.

Accordingly, a commission is granted considerable trust. The "Commission for Police Reform" has succeeded in exchanging correspondence with politicians and authors.

For instance, there was the SPD Federal Assembly Representative Peter Conradi from Stuttgart, whose letter was published without having asked him first. The ABI told Conradi about the connection. Afterwards, the Scientology sect delivered a letter written September 23, 1975 to Conradi:

"The urgency of the problem of data protection is proved by the name-calling campaign put on by the ABI and their intentional spread of lies and defamation. It is a shame that basic law of our country may again be kicked around in this manner.

Slander, such as the press campaigns staged by the ABI with the support of the Evangelical Church, are an everyday occurrence in our society, but they will never be accepted by the Scientology Church, no matter who it affects or concerns."

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Up to this point in time, the ABI had published information pamphlets numbers 53 and 54 and pointed out various connections between the "Commission" and the sect. Back to the letter:

"You, as a politician, are very well aware of the effect of politics, and it may also be known to you that the ABI has brought falsified sworn testimony before the court which the person who made the testimony has since withdrawn as many points were misleading and incorrect and influenced by the ABI."

This "withdrawal" consisted of: the "Director of the Legal Office," Helmut Blöbaum waited for the witness by his front door and had him sign a prepared sworn testimony. How Mr. Blöbaum managed to do this is not stated. In any case, Mr. Blöbaum was later sentenced by the Stuttgart Lay Assessor's Court for attempted procedural deceit and abetting the giving of a false sworn testimony, a judgment of great rarity. In the second specification, the process was suspended. Blöbaum did not bother to apply for acquittal [did not plead innocent].

Continuing in the letter to Federal Assembly Representative Conradi:

"The question which we ask in this context is to what degree you would approve of these events in your position as a responsible politician, even if they do come from the same political direction."

Conradi's answer: "I do not want anything to do with the Scientology Church, Germany. Your first letter appeared dubious to me; since then I have verified this impression. For this reason, I welcome the steps of the Aktion Bildungsinformation [ABI] against you. I have known Mr. Kleinmann well for many years and stand completely behind him and his work. Because of this I ardently dismiss your claims about the ABI. I ask that you spare me further letters from the Scientology church; in any case I will not respond to them anymore."

Commission for Citizen's Protection against Data Misuse, reg., Munich

The Scientology sect appears to regard it as data misuse when information is exchanged, in particular when this happens internationally.

The Scientology is completely justified in fearing exchange of information.

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Commission for Psychiatric Human Rights Violations, reg., Munich


German League for Human Rights, reg., Munich

To begin with, the German League for Human Rights originally had nothing to do with the Scientology sect. Nevertheless, they have since become very closely entangled with them.

The Commission for Psychiatric Human Rights Violations, reg., is, by far, the most aggressive of the Scientology cover companies. It did not come about just as a defense from attacks by psychiatrists upon the Scientology sect. From its beginning it has had much more to do in the Federal Republic [of Germany] with a campaign of slander to an unknown degree being led against psychiatry.

Granted, psychiatric care in the Federal Republic doubtlessly has deficiencies, but these are well known to the public. The federal administration had conducted an investigation. The "Psychiatry Enquete" which resulted from this investigation caused a sensation, and led to the first improvements. Further consequences are due to be discussed before the Federal Assembly soon.

Why, then, does the Scientology sect have a "Psychiatry Commission"? It appears more and more that the Scientology sect now feels that it can do more for mental health than any psychiatrist.

This opinion alone is hardly enough to make the extremely aggressive, even hate-filled, proceedings of the sect and the commission against psychiatry and psychiatrists plausible. Apparently sect founder Hubbard thought of himself as part of psychiatry in the beginning. As described and cited above, he first wanted to have Scientology understood as a method of psychiatry. The explanation is potentially found in Hubbard's biography, and perhaps in the part which he would not like to have published: according to a report of the "Washington Times Herald" of April 24, 1951, Hubbard's second wife, Sarah, nee Northrup, had based her divorce suit upon Hubbard's being hopelessly mentally ill.

Competent medical consultants are said to have recommended that Hubbard be put in a private sanatarium for observation and treatment of a mental illness known as "paranoid schizophrenia."

Hubbard, who saw himself as a reformer of psychiatry, put in an institution as a simple, mentally ill patient: that could actually serve as an explanation for his private war against psychiatry.

Back to the Psychiatry Commission: this was first widely heralded in the Scientology magazine "Freiheit" ["Freedom"], which describes itself as an "independent magazine for human rights." In Nr. 1 of this magazine from August, 1972, procedures of the Nazi regime were described, which

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one can, as is known, hardly exaggerate. Sub-titles:

"The truth is that the children were being murdered in cold blood by German psychiatrists!"

Already it was hard to make out which was meant - the Nazi era or the present. Then it gets clearer:

The psychiatrists have apparently continued their crippling by electroshock treatment, their murder and the imprisonment of innocent, healthy people without interruption. They have not changed their methods!

At this time the "Commission" did not exist as a "legal person" in the sense of the law, and could therefore not be sued. The magazine still included the following:

"Anybody who knows of crimes by psychiatry is requested to write

George Mesmer
8 München 15
Lindwurmstr. 29

about them. If desired, reports will be treated confidentially."

With obvious interest to detail, Nazi atrocities were described: how psychiatrists "had gratefully accepted the several hundred kilograms of fresh and bloody child's brains." And the relationship to the present? Quite simple:

"These atrocities were carried out by psychiatrists who received support from the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (psychiatric department) which has since then been re-named the Max Planck Institute (and which nevertheless uses the same theories and methods)."

Anybody who brings these kind of claims into the world must, of course, count on being sued for them. Apparently in anticipation of this, "Freiheit" wrote:

"The Scientology Church can and will use the unlimited financial resources of the British and American Churches in order to be able to continue with its investigation."

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Unlimited financial resources: from our experience so far, this seems to ring true.

The "Scientology Church Germany" does business as the distributer of "Freiheit." At the end of the magazine, though, appears:

»Copyright 1972 Church of Scientology World Wide, Saint Hill Manor, England. It assumes responsibility for the content.«

The Max Planck Institute made it easier for itself: it sued the person who the Scientology sect designated as chief editor for "Freiheit": Hermann Brendel. The Munich State Court issued a temporary order on August 18, 1979 [sic, should be 1972], which prohibited Hermann Brendel, on penalty of a fine of unrestricted amount or imprisonment of up to six months", from repeating a series of libelous assertions. On August 6, 1973 this order was confirmed by judgment and, upon appeal by Mr. Brendel, the judgment was verified by the Superior State Court of Munich (case # 21U 3811/73).

The Superior State Court's determinations included the following:

"The court is, based on this context, also of the conviction, that the average reader of the magazine, "Freiheit", would understand the term "psychiatric experiments" as psychiatric experiments upon people, such as happened under the Nazi regime and which mostly resulted in psychological or physical injury done upon the test person. In the court's opinion, there is no need for further evidence that the accompanying assertion is suited to degrade, by association, the scientific institution in the public eye. The same goes for the assertion of a five year experiment being carried out by the KWI along with the microscopic investigation of brain samples from fresh children's corpses, and respectable scientists of the KWI gratefully accepting several hundred kilograms of fresh and bloody brains of children who were maliciously murdered by psychiatric colleagues."

The court reprimanded Brendel primarily for having made no sort of attempt to verify his accusations from the side of the psychiatrists. He had not done any research himself, but "depended solely upon one witness who, herself, had made no suitable observations, but had only wanted to hear the alleged facts from a third person. This, however, does not suffice."

It is exactly this method which is most used by Scientology: Assertions are snatched up and distributed as facts.

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In the meantime the "Commission" has gotten association rights, on October 2, 1979, it was recorded in the Association Register in the Munich Municipal Court. The "Commission" also has "honorary members" now: e.g., Friedrich Wilhelm Haugg, President of the German League for Human Rights, reg., in Munich, former state board and mayor ("One gram of justice comes from one kilogram of law."). When the contexts between the Scientology sect and the "Commission" was brought to his attention, he wrote, on November 3, 1975:

"Mr. Ostertag (press speaker of the Scientology sect - comment of the editor), subject of your letter of October 21, 1975, handed me a press report in which it is apparent that a confidentiality restriction from the Scientology Church Germany has been imposed upon you and I would be happy if this rule was respected.

It seems to have escaped Mr. President that, with the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Basic Law was put into force, and that this law - from past experience - guarantees that everyone can freely voice his opinion. Nobody can impose an obligation of confidentiality upon a third party.

Later the German League became more intense: in a press release on March 31, 1976, directed to the "Tagespresse" in Baden-Württemberg, it first pointed out its 60 years of service, which was said to be on the same track as that of the "Commission," which had resulted in cooperation [between the two]. The League President's press release continued:

"We are obligated to state that the Aktion Bildungsinformation has, regrettably, made revelations in violation of the Declaration of the United Nations, the "Europarat" (Human Rights Convention) and the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany."

The background for this is that the ABI had informed various individuals, representatives and the public that the "Commission" is a cover company for the Scientology sect. The League President appeared to share the widespread view of the Scientologists that the Basic Law of freedom of religion prohibits critical discussion of such organizations.

The ABI wanted to know whether this sort of backlash had received the blessing of the presidium of the League. Two presidium members were written, [one of them] a nerve doctor from Haar near Munich. An establishment is there which has been repeatedly attacked by the "Commission." The addresses were obtained from the minutes of the members meeting of November 5, 1973. The answer: "My father used to the Vice President of the German League for Human Rights, which he left in 1963."

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"He has been dead for 10 years. I, myself, have never been a member of the League, so I have never been vice president."

Besides him, author Bernd Engelmann was written, according to the minutes he was also a member of the presidium. His answer: he had not been a member of the League for years: "The perpetual quarreling in the presidium and in the few members meetings moved me to completely resign from the League, of which I had nearly become president. I want nothing more to do with it."

In other words, the minutes of the alleged members meeting had been falsified, the meeting had, perhaps, never taken place, and maybe the League consists only of its President, whose services, according to Engelmann's assessment, "lie in the past."

-----(Deletions made because of a lawsuit) ----
Dr. Dietmar Stutzer, Chairman of the "Patient Aid" Association, with a post office box address in Munich for its office. Nothing could be learned of this association from the Association Register, since he had given notice to Mannheim for Munich and the documents were not obtainable. Therefore Dr. Stutzer was questioned personally. His answer came with a letter of June 30, 1979, "It was neither known to me that the Commission for Psychiatric Violations of Human Rights was a so-called cover company for the Scientology sect, nor that, in my function as first Chairman of Patient Aid, I was being represented by this Commission as an honorary member in its letter."

At the same time Patient Aid was working with the AGV, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Verbraucher [Consumer Work Group] in Bonn, a model organization of consumer organizations, of which ABI is also a member. Shortly before the discussion ended, further inquiry was made on ABI's behalf.

The answer, this time on private letter paper, from Dr. Stutzer as graduate engineer and journalist. Answer of August 24, 1979:

"Patient Aid will leave your questions unanswered so long as your legal interest in the answer to these questions are not proven and firmly grounded."

Enough already.

The Commission for Psychiatric Violations of Human Rights continues to be active. The chairman is now an attorney, the vice chairman is Edith von Thüngen, who is also a founding member of the Scientology cover company "ZIEL."

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Finally, the "Commission" had put the rhetorical question to the press, "Would children be put on drugs to make them obedient?" That was exactly what one could understand from their accompanying presentation, and numerous newspapers reported on the new drug affair with great fanfare. There was no mention of Scientology. The trick was the same as always: material obtained from an unaffected party was put together. It was not until many months later, in a survey sent out on July 3, 1979, that people who had expressed an interest were asked about "cases."

Subversive Groups

There are several organizations Scientology claims to have no connection whatsoever with. These claims can be totally true insofar as membership in a German Scientology organization is meant. If we are not deceived, such organizations are directed by the Guardian Office, the sect's security service, which has a branch in Berne, Switzerland. Especially well-disguised was the

ALV - Arbeitskreis für Liberale Bildungsinformation der Verbraucher e.V., Darmstadt [Work group for liberal learning consumer information, Darmstadt]

From the start this "work group" has pursued only one goal: to fight the ABI. First, it consists of only two people: Thomas Rothfuss from Hemmingen, near Stuttgart, and Helga Schwerer from Darmstadt. At irregular intervals, these people have distributed press releases which contain defamation of the ABI. Letters of comparable content have also gone to state offices, schools and teachers, since the ABI is also involved with home school for students. On May 21, 1977, an advertisement with the following text appeared in two Stuttgart newspapers (the "Stuttgarter Zeitung" and the "Stuttgarter Nachrichten"):

"Parents who are disappointed with the home school care of the Aktion Bildungsinformation. Please contact Work Group for Liberal Learning Consumer Information, Helga Schwerer, Business Director, Scheppallee 24, 67 Darmstadt."

From the Stuttgart Superior State Court (case 4 W 19/77) invoked by the ABT, "The text of the advertisement presented a refined attack upon the ABI because it suggested to the reader of the newspaper that there were considerable grievances connected with the ABI's home school care which were being collected and evaluated for the protection of the children . . . The refined suggestion to the disadvantage of the ABI in the advertisement's text leads one to the conclusion that the accused wanted to do deliberate damage with the advertisement."

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The court classified this damage as deliberate and unethical in the sense of a law specified as § 826 BGB.

The ALV later published a brochure in which a 10 year old process was selected which had led to an ABI board member being thrown out. The ALV presented this as if the ABI was being funded by some kind of dark source. The ABI also defended itself on this, but in vain. The same Superior State Court now thought that these assertions were covered by freedom of speech.

In the meantime the ABI had obtained clear evidence that Mrs. Schwerer was in close contact with Scientology groups. At the same time the both of them succeeded in quasi-legalizing their cover company. They succeeded in finding people for the founding of the association with whom the ABI had previously been involved. For instance, there was Klaus Doneit, owner of the Doneit KG company, whose gangs of salesmen had been selling typewriter courses to parents of school-age children, frequently with highly contestable methods.

The same way, in 1977, two men by the names of Christen and Muller reported to the IPU Institute company for programmed instruction in Lucerne. They referred to an authorization by Thomas Rothfuss of the Work Group for Liberal Learning Consumer Information, and gave the telephone number of his company in Hemminger. Mr. Rothfuss' secretary stated that he would be gone for the entire week. Mssrs. Christen and Muller requested information and documents about the founding of "Campaign for Clean Correspondence Courses" ["Aktion Sauberer Fernunterricht"] which later turned out to be from an advertising agency. The ABI has a copy of the sworn testimony describing the discussion that followed. Quoting from it:

Sworn Testimony Excerpt:

"4. Mr. "Christen" identified himself to us with student identification from the University of Basel. He informed us that he would like to obtain copies of our documents concerning "Aktion Sauberer Fernunterricht" for the said "Arbeitskreis Liberale Bildungsinformation." When we told him that we had not been able to reach Mr. Rothfuss, he commented that he had forgotten to tell us that Mr. Rothfuss was presently in Munich.

Afterwards two detectives from the canton police appeared who were immediately able to determine that "Christen's" student identification was counterfeit. This led to "Christen" being taken into police custody.

5. On that same evening, the canton police told us that Mr. "Christen"

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and Mr. "Muller" were connected with the Scientology Center in Berne, and that, in reality, their names were Andreas Zbinden and Heinz Stutz. The police let us know further, that Muller, alias Stutz, had waited for about an hour in the car for Christen, alias Zbinden, and at the end of this time he had departed.

Finally the police told us that Christen alias Zbinden had admitted that his student identification had been falsified in the Scientology Center.

6. The other day (October 13, 1977) Muller, alias Stutz, called us up, and inquired about the whereabouts of his colleague, who had visited us the evening before. We then intentionally addressed him by his real name, which he did not at first notice; after a certain amount of time he asked slightly uneasily why we were calling him Stutz instead of Muller. We then told him that he would probably know best where his friends live.

7. Four days later (October 17, 1977) we received a call from Mr. Rothfuss from Stuttgart. He energetically asserted that he did not know the men who had visited us, not to mention having given them an assignment. He explained that the circumstances were painful for him, he did not want to leave things as they were. In his opinion it would be best if we would be able to have a meeting, which he proposed to hold in Germany. It was not until we categorically insisted to a meeting in our office that he was willing to come to Lucerne."

It is clear that Rothfuss did not tell the truth. If he had not known the two men, then how did he know about the event in question?

Christen, alias Zbinden, continues to use his false name. He is employed by the Guardian Office Switzerland of the Scientology sect, the Scientology security offices, and reports to the "Press office of the Scientology Church in Switzerland." As already stated, for the Scientology sect, dealing with the press is primarily a problem of security.

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Society for the Advancement of Religious Tolerance and Inter-personal Relationships, reg., 151 Johanneskirchner Str., 8 Munich 81

The dynamo of this association is Luise Buhl, designated as secretary, who has actually staged a monstrous degree of exchange of correspondence. She has simply disguised the Scientology background by using that which she uses for other allegedly oppressed minorities.

The chairman of this association is Zivorad Milenkovic, whom one could only describe as a Scientology activist. He has taken a large number of courses, such as the "drug rundown," he is manager of the printing house which prints the "Freiheit" Scientology magazine, in which is printed, in Nr. 10 of March 19770, an interview with a Mr. Milenkovic, who is described as Secretary of the Serbian Orthodox congregation.

Vice Chairman is Rolf Schimann, "clear" nbr. 13303. Treasurer is Rudolf Moyses, who also belongs to the presidium of the German League for Human Rights (see above Commission for Psychiatric Violations of Human Rights), and is the Secretary of the Scientology cover company "Commission for Citizens Protection from Data Misuse, reg.".

Zivorad Milenkovic has rapidly worked his way up the current Scientology social ladder: between July 24, 1979 and August 26, 1979, he took courses Grade 0, Grade 1, Grade II and Grade III. He did not try out Grade IV, instead of that he took ARC Straight Wire.


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