Report of the Federal/State Work Group on Scientology of the Constitutional Security Agency in accordance with the decision of the Interior Ministers Conference of the States on 5-6 June, 1997

October 12, 1998

Note: this is a free, personal, non-official translation. It is for non-commercial use only.

"<quotations in this type of bracket indicate translation has occurred from English to German and back to English>" Scientology writings have been labelled where possible by the translator. All Scientology writings are by L. Ron Hubbard.

This report was originally published in the German language under the title: "Bericht der Bund-Länder-Arbeitsgruppe Scientology der Verfassungsschutzbehörden gemäß Beschluß der Konferenz der Innenminister und -senatoren der Länder vom 05./06.06.1997 - 12.Okt.1998" .

The German language original of this report was taken from

Date completed: January 20, 1999. This translation originated from
Appreciation is expressed the German authorities
for making this unclassified report available to the public.

First File
Second File
Third File
Fourth File

I.          Introduction/Basic Considerations        
II.         Presentation of Surveillance Results     
1.          Presentation of the actual findings on the basic structure
               and individual areas of Scientology (SO)
1.1         Basic Structures         
1.1.1.      "Church" Area     Nationwide data on structure     Finances     Management structures/channels     "Knowledge Reports" and "Ethics Procedures"     Financing     Recruitment and Sales Operations     SO Members in Political Parties     SO Members in Civil Service     SO Contacts with extremist groups or other organizations
1.1.2       Commercial Area (WISE)   
1.1.3       Social Area (ABLE)     "Commission for Psychiatric Violations of Human Rights"
["Kommission für Verstöße der Psychiatrie gegen Menschenrechte" (KVPM)] "Center for Individual Effective Learning"
["Zentrum für individuelles und effektives Lernen" (ZIEL)] "Applied Scholastics" "Fellow Citizens Support Tolerance - Initiative for the Protection of
Human Rights in Germany"
["Mitbürger unterstützen Toleranz - Initiative zur Wahrung der
Menschenrechtein Deutschland" (MUT)] "Narconon" 1.2 Individual Areas 1.2.1 "International Association of Scientologists" (IAS) 1.2.2 "Office of Special Affairs" (OSA) 2. Presentation of the findings on the actual points of anti-constitutional efforts by the SO 2.1 The Program 2.1.1 Programmatic Statements by SO founder L. Ron Hubbard and their Unalterability 2.1.2 Programmatic statements of the SO to reach its goals combatively-aggressively 2.2 Actual anti-constitutional operations of the SO 2.2.1 Planned hate campaigns against representatives of the
Federal Republic of Germany and SO's continuous
public disparagement of its constitutional organs Equating present day Germany with the National Socialist (Nazi) regime Distorting the presentation of Germany as a police
state in an edition of "Freedom" ["Freiheit"]
in 1998 Systematically demeaning the Federal Republic of Germany
through disparaging propaganda on the internet Disparagement of politicians in "Freiheit" 2.2.2 Establishment of the Scientology society 2.2.3 A government steered by Scientology 2.2.4 Establishment of the Scientology legal system 2.2.5 Statements of the SO in dealing with its critics 3 SO testimonies of loyalty for constitutional order III. Assessment 1 Unalterable valid Ideology 2 Size of the object of surveillance 3 Finances und Financing 4 Organization/internal affairs 5 Activities 5.1 Expansion goals of the SO 5.2 Influence upon society 6 WISE- and ABLE areas IV. Conclusions
