The material on this site is for non-commercial use only.

These are personal interpretations of publicly available, unclassified text, not legal translations which would be good enough to use in a legal dispute. They are not 100% accurate, but are meant to give the reader as good a representation as could be mustered at the time of translation.

This site is not the source of the text being interpreted, but of the interpretation. The source has been given as accurately as possible on each page/menu.

You may quote the interpretations on this site as long as you identify the interpretations as having originated from, giving the page. For instance, if you quote something from Robert Vaughn Young's article in "Der Spiegel" magazine of September 25, 1995 from this site, you are quoting:

"the English interpretation located at of Robert Vaughn Young's article in "Der Spiegel" magazine of September 25, 1995 ."

Take care not to quote the words in the article as being those of the author. These are interpretations, not exact quotes.

The purpose of this site is to break through the communications barrier of language in the interest of free information exchange. You have to use your own judgment in forming opinions about the information presented here.

This site can be improved with your help. If you see typos or anything you suspect may be inaccurate, please contact the e-mail address given on the index page with the pertinent information.
