2003 Media Survey Progress Report from Joe Cisar
Scientology in the German media focussing on the Internet
1997 - 2001

The data is now roughly organized. It is being smoothed out and site reorganization implemented.

Brainwashing discussion
Definition of terms

January 15, 2003

The concept of brainwashing cults is a product of the American media which began in the 1940s and gained credibility in the 1950s. It started with hypnosis and progressed to new technologies advancing quickly enough to give the impression that man would now have the ability to play God and turn people into happy idiots. One of the main problems with the brainwashing concept is that it tends to feed itself if not approached in a responsible manner. For instance, it's not necessarily true that all happy idiots have been brainwashed. One factor in this irresponsible approach has been that a large part of the media's revenue does not result in dispensing information, but in providing entertainment. In a manner of speaking, the media live by creating cults.

As far as definitions of terms go, a cult is a group of people that is focused on doctrine from one source of information, as opposed to having a well-balanced view. Most cults, as the entertainment industry has demonstrated, are beneficial or at least harmless. Brainwashing aggravates the single-minded aspect however by providing a method or technology of having people rebel against the established, presumably well-balanced view, as opposed to having the doctrine survive based primarily on its own merit. To accomplish this conversion from the traditional to the expedient rationale, brainwashing operators use mass agitation and indoctrination. The purpose of agitation is to create hysteria and the purpose of indoctrination is to provide a solution to the artificial hysteria. Hysteria is an emotional state conducive to irrationality, which can be thought of as the inability to tell fact from fiction. The mass media are a a natural part of this, with sensational reports to bring about hysteria on the one hand, and soothing platitudes from dubious authorities to start people down the windy road to indoctrination on the other hand.

As can be assumed, a major ingredient of the brainwashing is deception. Deception proceeds from hysteria, but takes it a step further in that fiction becomes reality. Therefore, one initial stumbling block to detection of brainwashing is that brainwashers, when accused of brainwashing, will often hurl the accusations of brainwashing back into the face of the accusers. The conclusive step in evading open accusation, though, is to slightly change the perception of the brainwashing method being used so that it appears to no longer meet the accuser's specifications. Another stumbling block in detection of brainwashing is that the brainwashing cult, which is the actual source of mis- and dis-information, often works with outsiders sympathetic to outside causes to give the public impression that these outsiders support cult views and thus the cult.

To prove that brainwashing does not exist or to render it moot, it is best to proceed from the individual point of view. After all, an individual is legally responsible for his or her own actions. It is assumed that we are constantly aware of everything we are doing and that we are fully responsible for our own actions. That is the way things have to be in order for us to have a society. People who are judged to be not responsible for their own actions, such as criminals or the insane, may be isolated from society. The question, however, lies in being a member of a group and in the inclination of a member to put personal judgment into the hands of others -- while externally assuming sole responsibility. Neither can it be overlooked that in actual practice, people experience situations that diminish personal responsibility both by natural and artificial means. For instance, a person just waking up (or suffering from sleep deprivation) is not as responsible as a person operating at full-speed, nor might a hysterical person be considered fully responsible. Moreover, people are generally expected to have consciences. Which people keep their own consciences and which have entrusted them to others? These are difficult questions because the proof may involve overturning an individual's own claimed perceptions of reality, a situation that would best be avoided.

Coercive tactics encourage brainwashing as coercive tactics are, by nature, the direct exertion of an outside influence. Man-made laws are by nature coercive, so it's possible that a small degree of brainwashing is necessary for the purpose of setting bounds. Once these bounds are established, however, encouraging people to develop a conscience and use it would have a tendency to make people more responsible for their own actions to the extent that the examination of multiple sources of information was encouraged, among other things. The threshold of what is and what is not brainwashing probably lies in this area.

One sensational aspect of brainwashing is that sometimes it is done without the knowledge of the subject. While this is possible, increasing degrees of complicity are required on the part of the subject. The point is not whether a person has been brainwashed willingly or unwillingly, but whether a person has come to a conclusion by a rational method or had been induced by a brainwashing method. How much of the full process of making a decision has the person gone through and in how many stages of this process has the brainwashing cult been active and effective? Has the soulless cult conscience, in effect, replaced the personal conscience?

Brainwashing is defined in this survey as methods regularly used by cultic groups to make people come to irrational conclusions. A real-life example of this might be the recent claim by the Raelian Clonaid company that it is mass-producing cloned babies. While the overall effect of the coverage can reasonably be assumed to be that most people would now think of the Raelian claim as a hoax, it may also be reasonably assumed that some people believe the claim. Evidence of this would include an increase in business for Clonaid and increased membership for the Raelian movement. Would this prospective increase in business and in membership come about by rational means or by irrational means on the part of individuals? For this one case, the word "brainwashing" might be too strong of a word to describe the power of expectation exercised upon believers through the media. "Mental manipulation" would be a more suitable term for an instance of brainwashing.

The brainwashing method can be considered to be a system of control by assimilation of conscience. This includes gradually overcoming an individuals's defense of conscience, such as by using the power of expectation. It can be envisioned that emotion is used to form conscience, and that conscience is the basis of speech and action. One outcome of this (religious?) conversion might be that an increase in self-corruption by members of the group would result in a corresponding compensational increase in self-righteousness for the group itself. This feeling of compensation and exchange might then be interpreted by members as having a balanced view.

Initial analysis

January 5, 2003
updated August 21, 2003

As previously reported, these pages are being reorganized for the purpose of answering various interesting questions that have come up over the past years about Scientology in Germany.


Has Scientology brainwashed US decision-makers into treating Scientology as a religion?
Have the Germans been brainwashed into portraying Scientology as a cult?
Have the media been playing a responsible role in reporting on Scientology?
Have the media profited from controversy about brainwashing?

Assumptions and biases

Many (anti-)cult observers pretend to be unbiased. Asserting one's own lack of prejudice is absurd as it denies that we are human. The author of this research makes the assumption that "brainwashing", or something like it, exists. "Brainwashing" is a matter of debate, but it is considered to be a form of communication used by totalitarian powers. Coerced confessions may be an indication of brainwashing, on the other hand, who can prove it? Maybe this research can provide some visibility to the question so that answers, if they exist, may become apparent.

With regard to possible author bias, the author has picketed the Church of Scientology in Washington, DC during the time the data for this survey was being gathered, mostly toward the beginning of the data collection process, in the late 1990s. Also, unofficial representatives of Scientology suggested that the author is an "extremist" who "routinely translates hate propaganda circulated in German newspapers, magazines and TV shows." Because that statement was made at the end of 2001, it may be assumed that it refers to the material used for this survey.

What material was included

Over 1,600 German-language media articles posted to the Internet are currently being taken into consideration to answer the above questions. They include all the German-language articles data collectors found through Internet search engines for the five-year period 1997-2001 containing the word "Scientology" plus anything that seemed to touch upon related topic matter. Exceptions to that rule include duplicates. Due to various limitations, it is very likely that not all media articles webbed or posted to the Internet were collected. An effort was made, not always successfully, to pinpoint time and date of sources, which are listed with the text.

Note that this material mainly covers Internet texts. It is only a fraction of what was available throughout all the media. The Internet, as convenient as it is, may not always be the best place to get information.

Preliminary breakdown

Here are preliminary results, subject to change, of an approximate break-down of articles by quantity and geographical area:

259 - Berlin, Germany337 - Germany153 - Hamburg, Germany122 - USA
107 - Zurich, Switzerland118 - Munich, Germany93 - Stuttgart, Germany81 - Vienna, Austria
65 - Switzerland 48 - Basel, Switzerland42 - Bonn, Germany45 - France
45 - Zwickau, Germany27 - Frankfurt, Germany25 - Austria18 - Leipzig, Germany
12 - Sweden13 - China11 - Russia

56 - others 9 - Italy, 7 - Spain, 6 - Netherlands, 4 - Japan, 4 - Greece, 5 - England, 3 - Belgium, 2 - Liechtenstein, 2 - Korea, 2 - Israel, 2 - India, 2 - Hungary, 2 - Denmark, 1 - Vatican, 1 - Uganda, 1 - Slovakia, 1 - Paraguay, 1 - Guatamala, 1 - Canada

Problems with geographical location: Not all incidents reported upon happened in one location. In some cases, specific location was not given. Another difficulty is that the journalist reporting upon an event was not always in the location of the event. And of course, the report itself was distributed from yet another location. These are the problems which are currently still under debate with regards to the above.
Generally speaking, the city and country distributing the report was used, then the location of the reporter, then the primary location of the incident, as specified above.

Initial Breakdown by Year
2000 623
1996 23

Initial categories

Initially created:
January 20, 2003,
being constantly updated

The primary range of concentration is 1997-2001. A secondary range of pre-1997 may also be taken into account, but data from this period is much less complete, therefore greater caution must be exercised in generalizing.

After a preliminary scan of a survey sample (approx. 140 reports), a decision was made to form three divisions: material by source, material by special event, and material of only an incidental nature. An attempt is being made to divide non-incidental, non-special event data into the following sources: court, official/government, Scientology, and public response. These could be compared in the future to material from US State Department annual reports, for instance. It is expected the following initial categories will be further refined as the sample increases.

By source

Special Events

In passing - reports of an incidental nature

Note on accuracy of data

July 31, 2003
updated August 21, 2003

The source material of this survey was in German. Since this survey is in English, language was a barrier. Therefore the source articles had to be re-worked into English for processing by English-speakers. There are occasional transcription and spellchecking errors, which should be plainly obvious to those familiar with the source material and to those who have read more than one article. Since the reworked articles did not have to fulfil the full requirements of translation, there was no need for such time-intensive labor. For instance, the German "Office for the Protection of the Constitution" is routinely rendered as "Constitutional Security." Another example, well-known to some, is an article containing the word "euro" (a European dollar) did not pass a Windows 98 spellcheck and was changed by the operator to Eurodollar, which passed the spellcheck test fine. If text reads 1939 in text concurrent with 1993, that is obviously an inversion error. These occasional errors, even if uncaught by evaluators, are not significant to the survey because the survey, as a rule, measures high-quantity, multi-source trends.

A word of caution: the data for this survey was volatile at the time it was collected. To explain this, the situation will be simplified. Assume that, in terms of brainwashing, half the text was for Scientology and the other half was against Scientology. Taking the simplistic view that perhaps Scientology does not really brainwash people, then half of the data for this survey would be false. That is what "volatile" signifies. In addition to that, it can be assumed that the data was not always transferred 100 percent accurately from the information source to the reporter, from the reporter to the editor, from the editor to the publication, from the publication to this survey. Another source of possible error: it can also be assumed that various sources unintentionally planted half-truths or perhaps even used the media to launder their information on occasion.

This study cannot possibly sort out all these puzzles, but it is hoped some valid observations may still be made, and that these, in turn, may serve as a starting point for the next person.
