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[ The story of Paulette Cooper | Main Scientology page ]

Operation Freakout

Documents Freakout-1, -2a, and -2b; CSW-1, -2 and -3

  1. Main planning document
  2. Addendum A
  3. Addendum B
  4. Document CSW-1
  5. Document CSW-2
  6. Document CSW-3

These planning documents for "Operation Freakout" were captured by the FBI when they raided several Scientology offices in 1977, after the infiltration of the Justice Department during "Snow White" was discovered.

Copies were entered into evidence during the Clearwater Hearings, marked as "Exhibit 49" on 8 May 1982, prior to the testimony of Paulette Cooper.

Photocopies of Exhibit 49, which were scanned to produce these files, were obtained in September 1996 from the City Clerk's office of Clearwater (address below). The photocopies are U.S. legal-sized, 8.5x14 inches; but it is obvious that the original "Op Freakout" documents were typewritten on U.S. letter-sized, 8.5x11 inch sheets.

The pages are numbered by hand in the lower right corner. The first document is numbered "6-A PC", "6-B PC", ..., "6-F PC"; the second, "7-A PC" and "7-B PC". I believe, though I am not certain, that these markings were written by Paulette Cooper when the documents were entered as evidence, either at the Clearwater Hearings or at an earlier court case.

The copies were folded in quarters for mailing, which inflicted minor damage to the text along the horizontal creases of a few pages:

Page "6-A", item 2 under "VITAL TARGETS"; the line reads
2) To recruit an observation FSM to make a telephone call. No
Page "6-D", item 3; the line reads
1) FSM in VT # 3 telephones and makes a definate appointment
Page "6-E", item 6; the line reads
6) PC FSM leaves laundry immediately, turns the corner and gets
Page "6-E", item 8; the second line from the bottom reads
should be disguized. All these type called are taperecorded,(FSM
Page "7-A", item 1; the fourth line reads
plain typewriter sheet. FSM has 2 copies of this. He shows
Page "7-A", item 3; the first line of the proposed forgery to Kissinger reads
You are a traitor to your peopleYOU BASTERD. I've been there

Dean Benjamin.