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Ida Camburn

ida camburn at the start of WWII


Chat Window Text with Ida Camburn (wasmon) and Arnie Lerma (NoOTsTher) on May 28th 2005 @ 11:50 AM Eastern time

[11:50]  tell me the story now
[11:50]  I'll web it
[11:50]  Okay  In l933 I was ten years old 
[11:51]  I went to live with my grandfather in a little town in eastern Nebraska
[11:51]  He was the only resident in the area who did not speak German.
[11:52]  I remember those German neighbors coming to see my grandparents
[11:53]  In those conversations I remember them telling him how great
Hitler was and all the good he was doing for those relatives they left behind
[11:53]  They bragged about the new roads, the new sewers, the
 wonderful schools where all the children had nice uniforms.
[11:54]  My grandfather would argue with them and at time the talk was
 extremely "heated".
[11:54]  I went to school those two years with some of their children.
[11:55]  Fortunately the young teacher would not allow any talk of Hitler in the school room.
[11:57]  Following my grandmothers death in l936 we moved out of the area
[11:57]  My grandfather died in l939 I believe one month prior to Hitler's first invasion 
[11:58]  which eventually led to world war11.  
[11:58]  I wish he had lived to see Hitler's demise.

Ida Camburn's son disconnected from her in the 1970's, because she tried to tell her son the truth about Scientology, her son's kidneys were detroyed using Scientology's bogus 'purification rundown', currently being peddled to NY City Firemen, whose front organization Narconon was recently tossed out of California Public schools. She has been an activist ever since, some of her 30 year story is HERE

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