++++++++++Sacred Cult Scripture++++++++++++++++++ It's not that I object to you as you are. As a matter of fact I was very fond of you the way you were. But there's a lot to be done; there's a lot of hand to be borne here. Truth of the matter is tomorrow - I don't know how I'm going to get it all in tomorrow to tell you the truth, because there's just too much dope and data and things and stuff and all the rest of it to give you, but I'll make a good try at it. And meantime, meantime, after your auditing sessions tonight - after your auditing sessions tonight - why, make sure that you sleep the sleep of the just and the blameless and that you are - that you are free of your conscience and so forth for the first time. As a matter of fact the HGC1 back there has a booth and you can check your conscience at it any time you want to. - L. Ron Hubbard Lecture 01-02-1960: Group Auditing Session the perfect cult for a sociopath