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The People's Paper

Letters to Editor


"In 1975 the Scientology Cult occupied the City of Clearwater through the surreptitious actions of two front organizations. Records now reveal that this paramilitary international political group issued military-style directives as follows:

Secret document re: Project Normandy - establishing control in Clearwater, Florida area;

Secret Guardian order re: UCF legal establishment - Project Goldmine (Florida);

Secret report re: Goldmine (United Churches of Florida) - front for Clearwater operation.

Before the above documents were obtained by the FBI in July, 1977, Mrs. Nan McLean and her son visited Clearwater and Tallahassee and cautioned public officials about the political, economic and other aims of the cult. As a consequence the McLeans were sued in 1976 and have suffered undue financial and psychological hardships since then.

Scientology policy is to sue as a weapon to silence, harass, and intimidate those it declares enemies under the cult's cruel "Fair Game Policy."

In the interest of justice and freedom of speech, a legal defense fund has been established to assist the McLeans in defending suits by this cult, which has unlimited resources. It would be unseemly and extremely pusillanimous for local residents to ignore the plight of the McLeans and to permit them to assume this financial burden unassisted.

Contributions to the legal defense fund will serve as a token of faith, support, and appreciation to these courageous neighbors from Toronto, Canada, who should be acknowledged and acclaimed for their great public service.

Checks or money orders should be made payable to: Legal Defense Fund for John and Nan McLean, please mail contributions to Gabe Cazares, Post Office Box 1196, Clearwater, Florida 33517."

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