Scientology commissioner criticizes district office

Much too little involvement

Hamburg, Germany
January 7, 2002
Hamburger Morgenpost

An exhibit for the controversial Scientology cult (reported by MOPO) has been going on in the "Cafe Seeterrassen" since Friday. As you may recall, the cafe belongs to the city of Hamburg, and is operated by lessee Felix Thiede. Hamburg's sect commissioner Ursula Caberta complained that the downtown district office did not do enough about the exhibit: "It's just tiresome for us to have worked with the district office and then see Scientology open its exhibit there. I would have liked to have seen more involvement." The district office said it didn't see any legal alternative for stopping the exhibit. "They're being negative," Caberta said. "If we were to operate that way, then we never would have won a case against Scientology." Caberta is especially annoyed about the wave of complaints about Scientology that end up on her desk. "Please provide a copy to Georg Cramer, district office manager!" she said.

German Scientology News