Tom Voltz


With(out) an End

Forward by Ursula Caberta

UpdatedTranslation by Joe Cisar

Original German Title: "Scientology und (k)ein Ende"

Free to Netizens!

Note: Quotations in this book have been translated from English to German back to English, so the wording does not match the original quotations. Links are accessible either vertically or horizontally.

Copyright Notice (3k)

page 3

Table of Contents

Forward by Ursula Caberta................................  8  (3k) 

A Forward for Scientologists............................. 10  (5k)

The Fascination of Scientology                               (22k)

Curiosity................................................ 13
Idealism................................................. 20
Furthering Personal Development.......................... 21
Security................................................. 21
Philosophy............................................... 22
Technology............................................... 24

The Disappointment of Scientology                            (18k)

A Reason to Leave ....................................... 26
My Letter of Resignation ................................ 28
First Reaction: Deliberate Undermining of Friends ....... 29
Hope .................................................... 31
Disappointment .......................................... 32
Clarity ................................................. 33

Why is Scientology still around?                             (46k)

Filling a Need .......................................... 36
Consistent Management ................................... 37

Special Section:
Fundamental Concepts of Scientology ..................... 38

The Status of a Religious Community ..................... 40
Strong Internal Control Mechanisms ...................... 40
Mindless Obedience - the Stanley-Milgram Experiment...... 45

page 4

Professional Marketing --
Professional Public Relations Work ...................... 48 
Nazi Propaganda Methods ................................. 51
Artists as Propagandists ................................ 54

The Genesis of the "Scientology Church"                      (84k)

Science Fiction ......................................... 56
A Biography and its Contradictions ...................... 57
Philosophy - Religion - Psychotherapy? .................. 67
Hubbard: I am not a Philosopher ......................... 68
Who Really Founded the Scientology Church? .............. 70
Scientology and Sigmund Freud ........................... 75
Hubbard - Church - Religion ............................. 76
Hubbard discovers a new Eastern Religion ................ 77
The Founding of a Religion .............................. 79
Scientology: the Religion of Religions .................. 81

Special Section: A Theologian on Scientology ............ 84

What is Scientology now? ................................ 85

The Organizational Structure of Scientology                  (37k)

The Executor of the L. Ron Hubbard Estate/Author Services 
Inc. ...................................................  94

The Religious Technology Center ........................  96
Scientology Organization Chart .........................  97 

Church of Scientology International ....................  99

Special Section:  
The Religious Creed of Scientology ..................... 101

How does the Business Operate? ......................... 104
Who Really Pulls the Strings? .......................... 107

WISE                                                         (58k)

How did WISE come about? ............................... 113
Types of Membership .................................... 114
Business Consultation or "Religious" Mission ........... 115
The Flow of Licensing Fees ............................. 117

page 5

WISE - "Games" and other Internal Practices............ 118

Special Section:  The Scientology Guide to Behavior
/ The Inner Workings of Scientology.................... 120

WISE Ethics in Practice ............................... 124
Surprise .............................................. 126
Accusations ........................................... 128
Watch out for the Lawyer! ............................. 129
Licensees or Employees ................................ 130
Is your Business in Danger? ........................... 134
How to recognize WISE Consultants ..................... 136

Special Section:  Religion
or Commercial Business ................................ 139

Scientology or Democracy                                     (45k) 

Scientology's Understanding of Democracy .............. 140
Justice through "Super-Humans" ........................ 142
Democracy Brings Nothing - There is none .............. 144
Politics from Apes for Apes ........................... 145
Scientology's Political Officer ....................... 148
Government Positions for Scientologists only .......... 150
Conclusion ............................................ 151

Ethics or Pseudo-ethics?                                     (20k) 

Definitions of Ethics ................................. 155
The Ethics Officer's Mission .......................... 157
Servant to Power ...................................... 158
The Disciplinary Code ................................. 160

Ethics Gone Astray                                           (27k) 

Who suppresses Whom? .................................. 164

Special Section:  
Children in the Sea Organization ...................... 166
Are Abortions in the Plan of the Day? ................. 168

Suppressive = Insane .................................. 171
Declared Fair Game - Degenerated Ethics ............... 173

page 6

The Scientology Secret Service                               (39k) 

Dealing with the Government ........................... 176
Instructions for Psycho-Terrorism ..................... 180
The Media ............................................. 182
Philosophic Super-Structure to Criticism .............. 183
Practical Preventive Measures against Critics ......... 184
"Handling" Journalists ................................ 185
The Case of Paulette Cooper ........................... 188
Freedom - the Scientology "Exposé Magazine" ........... 189
Scientology reads Scientology With(out) an End ........ 190
Secret Service Activities ............................. 192

The "Renowned" Personality Test                              (38k) 

The Origin of the Test ................................ 199
Overt and Covert Games ................................ 199
Economic Pressure ..................................... 203
The Interrogation ..................................... 204
Ambush ................................................ 206
Building an Enemy Picture  ............................ 210

The Test - Orientation or Manipulation?                      (14k) 

The Scientology Test Interpretation ................... 217
The Test in Business .................................. 221

Immortality Costs Money or
The Finances of Scientology                                  (71k) 

Training the "Ravenous Wolf" .......................... 223
Professional Sales Training ........................... 230
Scientology's Sales Closing Techniques ................ 232

Special Section:  
Official Scientology Statistics ....................... 235

page 7

Scientology Salespeople in Action ..................... 240
Donations or Purchases? ............................... 253
What Scientology costs ................................ 254
The Results of Scientology Sales ...................... 255
The Church needs Money ................................ 258

Recommendations                                              (15k) 

Recommendations to Scientology ........................ 259
Recommendations for the Family and Friends
of Scientologists ..................................... 263

Zurich attorney takes on Scientologists

Zurich, Switzerland
May 9, 2000

by Thomas Heer

Zurich - The Scientologists are violating copyrights in the worst way: this is the view taken by renowned Zurich attorney and university docent Wolfgang Larese. Therefore the company which he represents, Prosys AG, will sue the organization.

The bone of contention is the personality test which consists of 200 questions, the so-called Oxford Capacity Analysis. Based on this test, thousands of people have found their way into the controversial organization. Sect expert Georg Otto Schmid said, "The test is not bad. But the Scientologists grade it so that many people fail and gratefully accept the organization's support."

In 1990, Swiss ex-Scientologist Tom Voltz bought the copyright to the test. The Scientologists had wanted to salvage the copyright from Voltz. He, however, would not let himself be intimidated, and turned for help to Zurich media lawyer Wolfgang Larese.

Voltz finally sold the copyrights to the PP Prosys Perception AG. And Larese is the sole executive board member of PP.

Prosys had already tried to validate its claim six years ago. "But the proceedings were suspended," commented Zurich Scientology chief Juerg Stettler. As far as Stettler is concerned, there is no doubt that the copyright to the test is held by the Scientologists.

At the time, Prosys did not pursue the process any further on financial grounds. Now it still wants to find out with a civil suit. Larese said, "In this, only the violation of the copyright must be proven, and not criminal conduct. This is simpler."

For more info (as of May 10, 2000): (no longer exists)


Last date of update: January 1, 2000. This translation originated from