Index of Key Words

     1984 111 
     A History of Man 17, 18, 60
     Accidents 75 
     Acknowledgement as a church 88 
     Addressing passers-by on the street 69 
     Afraid 116 
     AGV Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Verbraucher e.V. 100 
     ALV 46 
     ALV Arbeitskreis für liberale Bildungsinformation der
     Amount of dispute (100,000) 42 
     Andreu 10 
     ARC personality test 67 
     ARC triangle 117 
     Arrest order 23 
     Arrest warrant for Hubbard 11 
     Art center 111 
     Association Ban 52 
     Atom 19 
     Auditing - Listen 126 
     Auditing 112 
     Auditor 121 
     Australia 3 
     Axiom 64 
     Axioms 126 
     Böhm 115, 123, 126 
     Ban 120 
     Basic Law of Relgious Freedom 3 
     Berlin Senate 89 
     Berrang 47, 75 
     Bianca 75 
     Big Bang 17, 60 
     Billion year contract 41 
     Birthday 55 
     Bismarck 107 
     BKA 41, 42 
     Blöbaum 95 
     Blum 75 
     Body, new 116 
     Book clubs 4 
     Book sales 107 
     Brendel 98 
     Bribery 24 
     Budlong 23 
     Buhl 50 
     Buhl-Berrang 104 
     Business advisor 48 
     Business undertaking 10 
     Cans 55, 127 
     Case analysis 114 
     Case supervisor 115 
     Case Supervisor 115 
     Catch-all Term (Youth Religion) 26 
     CFAP 7 
     Charitable status/tax exemption 10, 12 
     Child labor 115 
     Christen 102 
     Church, Definition 25 
     clear 111 
     Clears, numbers 74, 84 
     Clearwater 10 
     Clergyman 4 
     Client Privacy Obligation 87 
     Colds 75 
     College for Applied Philosophy  28 
     Commission 13, 66 
     Commission for Citizens Protection against Data Misuse
     Commission for Police Reform 94 
     Commission for Psychiatric Violations of Human Rights 70, 92, 96 
     Communication 69 
     Communications course 67, 69, 112, 119 
     Communists 117 
     Compensation for damages (BKA report) 42 
     Compensation system 12 
     Condition 122 
     Confidentiality of mail 49 
     Confront 115, 118 
     Conradi 94 
     Conspiracy 22 
     Consumer Organizations 3 
     Consumer Protection 3 
     Contributions - Definition 73 
     Copyright 11 
     Copyright Religion 9 
     Counter presentation 39 
     Court 117 
     Cover companies 88 
     Credityworthiness, inquiry into 41 
     Crime 49 
     Criminal association 22 
     Criminal charge 44 
     Criminal past 49 
     Curch 41 
     Customers 71 
     Customers lonely or new to the area 69 
     Danger for democracy 37 
     Data protection 87 
     Dead 118 
     Deceit 10, 120 
     Decoy 119 
     Demand for return of payment 120 
     Demo Material 126 
     Democracy 38, 116 
     Demonstration 4, 6 
     Denning 28 
     Destructive cults 26 
     Dictator 110 
     Dictionary 126 
     Dietzenbach 45 
     Disinformation 11, 29, 37, 48, 50 
     DNA 18 
     Doctorate title 7 
     Documentary proof 40 
     Donations 68, 73, 120
     Donations to the Mother Church 10 
     Doneit 102 
     Drug deaths 90 
     Drug Rundown 76, 114 
     Drug withdrawal 89 
     E-Meter 15, 52, 55, 106, 107, 115, 117, 121, 127 
     E-Meter instead of radar 8 
     E-Meter life-threatening 53 
     E-Meter, Price, Usury 72 
     Early warning system 21 
     East Grinstead 9 
     Eavesdropping device 20, 21
     Einstein 63 
     Electropsychometer 18 
     Electroshock 125 
     ENEMY 122 
     England 5, 10, 27 
     Engram 14, 27, 50, 52
     ESOTERA 112 
     Ethics 113 
     Ethics Officer 106, 118, 122
     Ethics Order 120, 122
     Ethics slip 106 
     Evangelical Academy 22 
     Evans 122 
     Evolution 18 
     Expulsion Letter 120 
     Eyes - stare into each others eyes 69 
     Fairy Tales of the Future 17 
     False Information Campaign 93 
     FBI 5, 20 
     FBI Raid 43, 122
     FBI raid of July 8, 1977 20 
     FDP 50 
     Fear of the E-Meter 15 
     Federal administration 88 
     Federal Assembly 88 
     Federal Assembly Publication 8/2790 88 
     Federal Court decision BGH NJW 78, 599. 68 
     Federal Criminal Investigative Office [Bundeskriminalamt] 40, 94 
     Feelings of guilt 111 
     Fiedler 28 
     Field, Derek 14 
     Final Solution Conference 23, 44 
     Folder 87 
     Form for the return of payments 81 
     Foster Report 27 
     Freedom of expression 38 
     Freedom of the Press 38, 39, 40 
     "Freiheit" [Freedom] - magazine 96, 97, 98 
     Freud 84 
     Freud, Sigmund 9 
     FSM 66, 106 
     Galvanometer 15 
     Gaschler 119 
     German Better Business Bureau 41 
     German League for Human Rights 99, 104 
     Girschkowski 75 
     Glasses 65, 75 
     Graf, Renate 124 
     Gray 16 
     Guardian Office 20, 29, 101, 103 
     Haack 26 
     Haugg 99 
     Have you lived before this life? 14 
     Heinemann 45 
     Heinrich Bauer-Verlag 13, 39
     Heldt 22 
     Herold 40, 41 
     Hidden Body Part 56 
     Hines, Bruce 122 
     Hole in Space 19 
     Holocaust 43, 70 
     Holocaust to 1984 44 
     Homosexual 110 
     Hubbard sentenced 10 
     Hubbard's Biography 7 
     Hubbard's Family 13 
     Hubbard, Mary Sue 20, 43 
     Hubbard, Sarah, nee Northrup 96 
     Human rights 120 
     Hypnosis 125 
     Illness ... handled 83 
     Illness 112
     Immer 50 
     immortal 65 
     Incapable 118 
     Income taxes 38, 51, 116
     Indifference 51 
     Infiltration 20, 37 
     Infiltration of government offices 21 
     Infinite Survival 64 
     Inflation 38, 51, 116 
     Inheritance 71 
     Insomnia 65 
     Installment Plan 12 
     Intensive 125 
     International business 23 
     Interpol 20 
     Interrogation 127 
     Interrogations 118 
     Interviews 119 
     Investigative procedure 44 
     Janov 62 
     Jehovas Witnesses 39 
     Jews 44 
     Jews in the Third Reich 43 
     Kaufman 11, 122 
     Kember 23, 43 
     Kleinmann 1 
     Laarhuis 10 
     Law against unfair competition (UWG) 3
     Law against unfair competition 70
     Laying on of hands 68 
     Learning how one learns 91 
     Legal office 47 
     Legal process costs 11 
     Letter to Scientology 82 
     Letters to the editor 69, 106 
     License fees 11 
     Lie detector 15, 18 
     Life Repair 114 
     Life's history of a deceased  87 
     lnquisitor 45 
     Loans 114, 124, 125 
     Lockridge, Ines 14 
     Long playing album (LP record) 111 
     Männecke 48 
     Müller 102 
     Münzloher 126 
     Maes 90 
     Mafia 76 
     Mail confidentiality 49 
     Marital life 86 
     Marriage advertisement 71 
     Marriage Intensive 86 
     Mass mailing 71 
     Mathison 18 
     Means of proof 40 
     Meisner 21 
     Membership 101 
     Membership count 37 
     Mesmer 97 
     MEST work 117 
     Milenkovic 104 
     Military obligation 23, 28 
     Million Dollar quotation 9, 26 
     Miracle Healer 68 
     Misuse of basic rights 51 
     Money 107 
     Money Processing Intensive 86 
     Moon 5 
     Moyses 104 
     Munich State Court case 9 0 7372/77 42 
     Munich Superior State Court (OLG) case 21U 3811/73 98 
     Municipal Court of Munich 9 C 836/77 81 
     Music publishing company 111 
     Muzzling Procedure 42
     Narconon 76, 89 
     NED 83 
     Needle reactions 124, 126, 127 
     Newspaper Reporter 107 
     Next life 65 
     Non-profit status refused 73 
     Nordenholz 30 
     notarization 113 
     Notarized statement 80 
     Notary 80 
     Operating expense 71 
     Operating Thetan 20 
     Ostertag 29, 75 
     OT 20, 82 
     OT phenomena 68, 83 
     Oxford Capacity Analysis 67 
     Pabel 90 
     Parliamentary Report of Inquiry 3 
     Parliaments do not attack religions 27 
     Parties 26 
     Past lives 87, 107, 116 
     Patent 18 
     Patient aid 100 
     People's Inquisitional Court 45 
     Personality test 114, 119, 124 
     Picture book 126 
     Pinch 105 
     Pink Sheet 118 
     Pogrom 46 
     Police protection 47 
     Politicians 95 
     Politics 95 
     Postal order counterfeited 23 
     PR 69 
     Practice of healing, law 68 
     Prayer 28 
     Preisinger 75 
     Prepayments 79 
     Press 69 
     Press speaker 75 
     Price increase of 314% 77 
     Prices 66, 73 
     Primal Scream 62 
     Privileges of the Clergy 23 
     Process costs Lottery 43 
     Process law 40 
     Products 69 
     Profession of auditor 92 
     Profits transferred 27 
     Prohibit 116 
     Propaganda 32 
     Pseudonym 9 
     psychiatric Holocaust 70 
     Psychiatry 32, 96 
     Psychiatry Enquete 96 
     Psychoanalysis 5 
     Psychokinesis 68 
     psychological coercion to buy 78 
     Psychological Institute of the University of Tübingen 52 
     Psychology 33 
     Psychotherapy 15 
     Public Relations 69 
     Public scourging and crucifixion 45 
     Punishment work 117, 118, 119
     Q and A 56 
     Radioactivity 7 
     Raffle 43 
     Raid 20, 122 
     Raitz v. Frentz 75 
     Recruitment 3, 69 
     Redefinition 37 
     Redefinition of Words 31 
     Reform Groups 94 
     Rehabilitation 86 
     Reindl 124 
     Religion, all 26 
     Religious freedom 45 
     Religious Tolerance and Inter-Personal Relations, reg. 50
     Repentance 121 
     Restitution steps 122 
     Restitution Work 121 
     Return receipt on letter 82 
     Riess 74 
     Ritual murder 38 
     Ron's Birthday 116 
     Ron's Journal 30 74 
     RON'S JOURNAL 30 83 
     Rothfuß 101 
     Saint Hill 27, 91 
     Sak, Walter 121 
     Sales of course 10 
     Sales training 69 
     Schimann 104 
     Schmieder 74 
     Schmitt 47 
     Schniering 111 
     Scholarship 105 
     Schwerer 101 
     Science 15 
     Science Fiction 17 
     Scientific 63 
     Scientologie 30 
     Scientology Critics, dealing with 35 
     Sea Org 10 
     Sect's Security Service 101 
     SEF 43 
     Self Analysis 126 
     Sequoia 7 
     Service Cover Companies 89 
     sichere Umgebung - Fonds 43 
     Sleep deprivation 116 
     Small ad 71 
     Society for the Advancement of
     Special use of public byways 70 
     Sphere of privacy 49 
     SPIEGEL 39 
     Spies 107 
     Spoilsport 112 
     Squirreling 118 
     Staff 119 
     Staff Member 115, 119 
     State Court Hamburg decision 74 0 629/74 41 
     Stettler 75 
     Stock-Thies 92 
     Stoffel 70 
     Street recruitment 4, 69 
     Student 30 
     Student ID falsified 102 
     Stuttgart State Court (OLG) case 4 W 19/77 101 
     Stuttgart State Court 4 
     Stuttgart State Court case 17 0 321/ 75 3 
     Stuttgart Superior State Court (OLG) case 4 U 132/75 42 
     Stutz 103 
     Stutzer 100 
     Success rate (of Narconon) 90 
     Success stories 111, 112 
     Suicide 115 
     Suicide, thoughts of 125 
     Superman 20 
     Supernatural Powers 68 
     Suppressive 119, 121 
     Suppressive Person 109, 113 
     Survival Potential 64 
     Sweat Program 83 
     Talk to girls 69, 84 
     talk to girls 84 
     Tax Issues 11 
     Tax-free 73 
     Teacher Intensiv 86 
     Teachers 90 
     Telepathy 68 
     Telephone tapped 23 
     Thüngen 92, 100 
     Thefts 21 
     Therapeut technology 64 
     Thetan 14, 19, 52, 64, 116 
     Thetan immortal 65 
     Thetan, all-knowing, immortal 27 
     Thetan, goes through walls 65 
     Thomas, Sharon 21 
     Thomson 9 
     Timetrack 14, 18, 55 
     Tjarks 75 
     Tolerance 51 
     Touch Assist 124 
     TR 0 118 
     TR 0 to 2 56 
     TR-1 56 
     Transfer of funds falsified 24 
     Undercover drug LSD 83 
     Unlimited Financial Resources 98 
     US Federal Revenue Court Nr.226-61 12 
     USA 12 
     Usurious Price 72 
     UWG 3 
     Valantin 10 
     Variance to ordinance 4 
     Verbraucher e.V. in Darmstadt. 101 
     VHS = Volkshochschule (continuing education) 48 
     Vitamins 127, 128 
     Vogel, Peter 126 
     War injuries 8 
     Weeper 19 
     Weiland 29, 49, 74, 75 
     Wheatstone Bridge 15 
     Winn 28 
     Withdrawal symptoms, without 76 
     Wolfe 21 
     Word Clearing 30, 31, 37, 61, 126 
     Work at home 71 
     WORLD WIDE 50 
     Wyss 125 
     Youth Organizations 26 
     Youth religions 26 
     Zbinden 103 
     Ziel 90 

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