Lermanet Exposes the Con at

  1. Slightly above the Law
  2. The Suppressive Church
  3. Avoiding Responsibility gang-style
  4. Targeting People, Avoiding Principles
  5. the Scn-Arab-a.r.s. triangle
  6. Hypnosis
  7. A Nazi-Scientology comparison
  8. Blessings and Peace.

Slightly above the Law

As with any intelligence agency, Scientology's extra-legal activities are directly linked to the criminal code of the country in which its organizations operate.  This connection is similar to the interest rates on bank loans being linked to the nation's primary lending rate.  The banks' interest rates are just a little bit above the primary rate, and Scientology's standards for suppressing criticism are just a little bit above the law.  

The direction in which the Scientologists at religiousfreedomwatch.org (rfw) are pushing is made clear by pro-Scientology posters who post links to rfw while simultaneously conveying the idea of resentment boiling right under the surface, how they have to struggle to control themselves at the sight of rfw's information, etc., then providing a link to a name and a face. 

The context in which rfw information is presented is extremist by maligning critics in general for the real or imagined misdeeds of a few and also by instigating third parties to suggest borderline conduct to the public at large. The context is also false in that rfw pages yield no direct evidence that pertinent misconduct exists in the overwhelming majority of cases presented.   Most relevant allegations of wrongdoing appear to be connected with little more than being seen in broad daylight near Scientology centers, or posting to the alt.religion.scientology news group.

Scientology's institutional anti-social agenda against critics is consistent with its anti-medicine and anti-mental health agenda.  The difference is that rfw has progressed beyond targeting inanimate objects and a field of expertise to promoting a philosophy of personal fear. This methodology includes: invading privacy, spreading information calculated to be personally detrimental and cultivating resentment against and between individuals.

Scientologists!  There is no need to fear that Hubbard's philosophy will invade privacy, spread harmful information and cultivate resentment.  It already has and will continue to do so.  Each time that fact is recognized in proper context represents an opportunity for another Scientology operation to be blown.

This paper is dedicated to the family and associates who through determined kindness have helped rid the world of 1) the illness caused by Scientology's anti-medicine propaganda, 2) the insanity caused by Scientology's anti-psychiatry propaganda and 3) the extra-legal activities Scientology inspires in its followers to gain affluence and eradicate criticism.

The Suppressive Church

"It is my specific intention that by the use of professional PR tactics any opposition be not only dulled but permanently eradicated."
 -- L. Ron Hubbard, Founder of the Church of Scientology, on "dead-agenting" critics

Although Ron Hubbard outwardly proclaimed the worthy goal of the eradication of crime, illness and insanity, his use of PR tactics were consistently more questionable than they were professional. Hubbard's uncontested internal doctrinal goals are power, affluence and the eradication of criticism.  The tools his religiously applied philosophy, Scientology, uses in bypassing accepted methods to attain these goals are: public relations operations, covert operations and legal operations.  ReligiousFreedomWatch is one Internet site from which operations are conducted against a very small percentage of the many people who have helped uncover Hubbard's disreputable methods of attaining power and money.  

Scientology's nervous system is its international intelligence agency.  Its techniques include several variations of hypnosis that Hubbard altered slightly and adapted from Russian psychiatrists, from German psychologists, and from American behavioralists and salesmen.  Hubbard's purpose was to justify his philosophy's existence by discrediting the sources of his ideas, whitewashing his own questionable tactics of control, altering the public consciousness to make people more receptive to his control tactics and staging covert, overt and legal operations against those who criticize his methods. In countries where Scientology does not propagate itself as religion, it is easily accepted as a clever American business management system.

Because Hubbard's doctrine advocates unrestricted expansion, one of the first places Scientology's tactics of deception show up is in the area of consumer protection.

Stuttgart, Germany, 1975: "The Scientologists can make the claim of holding the first street demonstration ever against consumer protection organizations.  Numerous banners were carried at this demonstration, which led through downtown Stuttgart and ended on the Alten Poststrasse: "ABI [a consumer protection agency] against Religious Freedom" could be seen upon them."
(from Ingo Heinemann )

The "Religious Freedom Watch" web pages, formerly the "hatewatch" pages published by Freedom Magazine, the official publication of Scientology, purport to expose religious extremists who are listed by name and photograph.

Material on the site was originally from the Scientology Parishioners League, which used to stalk critics of Scientology, picket their homes and distribute negative information to neighbors.  Today much of that information has been webbed on religiousfreedomwatch, from where it is forwarded to neighbors, family and work associates.

Avoiding Responsibility gang-style

Responsibility for Scientology's actions has been split up, gang-style, so that no one particular party is legally accountable for the "permanent eradication" of opposition, cited in the opening quote.  

Just as religiousfreedomwatch has overtly disconnected from its mother organization, Freedom magazine, distributors of ReligiousFreedomWatch information are painted as independent concerned citizens.  The product of the group composed of the Church of Scientology, Freedom magazine, the religiousfreedomwatch site and information distributors is sought after and made possible by all members of their combined association.  That some form of control is exercised over information distributors is shown by the increased use of links to the rfw site, as opposed to cutting and pasting slanderous or near slanderous information with credit to the site.

The intelligence agency is responsible for providing the targets, the people listed on the site.
The investigations branch, which has both public and covert information collection offices, provides public, personal and confidential information about the targets.
Hubbard's Scientology philosophy provides the method by which the information on the targets may be presented.

The staff of religiousfreedomwatch loosely possess the following characteristics, described by Ron Hubbard in his basic Manual of Scientology Ethics:

1. RFW uses generalities,
2. RFW deals in bad news
3. RFW alters news for the worse, stopping good news
4. RFW, by virtue of being a Scientologists association, does not respond to psychotherapy.
5. RFW is surrounded by people who make trouble for others.
6. RFW habitually selects the wrong target (i.e., it skips actual criminals in favor of criminalizing critics.)
7. RFW cannot finish what it has started.
8. RFW has no responsibility.
9. RFW rages against constructive critical groups.
10. RFW approves only of actions destructive to critical groups.
11. RFW supports activities that destroy critical groups or persons in the name of help.
12. RFW conceives that the idea that anyone owns anything is a pretense made up to fool people.

Those familiar with Hubbard's teachings will recognize the above as characteristics of a suppressive person.  Note: it is the staff of Religious Freedom Watch who qualify in Hubbard's test for suppressiveness.

On the other hand, the data about the critics of Scientology contained in religiousfreedomwatch is sorted and evaluated according to a different sort of test, called a security check sheet.  The following questions come from this sort of form, this one for entry into Scientology's Sea Organization.  

In other words, the evaluation criteria being applied to critics of Scientology are not meant to test for extremism or suppressive behavior; they are constructed to test for Scientology's security.  

Failing Scientology's security test does not mean the subject is "extreme"; it means the subject is not eligible to be a member of Hubbard's elite Sea Organization.  Indeed, since Sea Org members sign a contract for a BILLION years, failing to qualify for this extremist organization is perhaps not so bad.  Additionally, the religious aspect is apparently a coincidental function of Scientology's private security force.

Positive results from the following official "security check" questions appear on ReligiousFreedomWatch pages:

5. Are you or have you been connected to any person not in good standing with the Church of Scientology?

Example: RFW purports associations between its own targets, all or most of which would not be in good standing with the Church of Scientology.

13. Are you intimately connected with persons (such as marital or familial ties) of known antagonist to mental or spiritual treatment or Scientology?

Example: RFW repeatedly notes family and marital contacts of its targets.

14. Do you have a criminal record?
If yes, give full details.

Example: RFW cites criminal records of its targets in a general way that paints its targets with the broadest brush possible, implying in some cases that any recorded misconduct is associated with being a critic of Scientology.

15. Have you ever threatened to sue or embarrass or attack Scientology or Scientologists or ever been a party to an attack or threat?
If yes, give full details.

Example: On RFW, as in Scientology, a lawsuit or possible lawsuit is treated as an attack or a threat.  Paradoxically, some of the people who used to be on the site have successfully sued to have their names removed.

22. Have any of your family or close friends expressed skepticism or been critical of Scientology?
Give full details.

Example: RFW makes it a sore point to emphasize discord in the families of their targets because this is where many people are vulnerable.

31. Are you related to or connected to intelligence agencies either by past history or immediate familial connections?
If so, give full details.

Example: RFW notes several intelligence connections, real and alleged.

32. Are you in Scientology to obtain news stories or generally disrupt the Organization?
If yes, give full details.

Example: RFW alleges infiltration in several cases on its site.

The following questions show the extent to which Scientology delves into a person's private background.  Specifics as to children are included on the RFW site.  Children would be relevant in that Sea Organization would-be mothers have been forced to have abortions.  How a person makes money is on the security sheet, as Scientology wants to know all sources of a person's income.  RFW lists this sort of information in a few cases.  "2D" history is cult jargon for "sex" history.

33. a. Are you married/single/divorced/separated?
(Dates of marriage and divorce)
b. If currently, or ever married, full name of (ex-spouse?
e. What is your relationship to your spouse and/or ex/spouse?
f. If separated or divorced, any difficulties with your ex-spouse?
If so, give full details.
g. Is spouse or ex-spouse a Scientologist?
h. If divorced, list reasons for divorce(s) and any emotional feeling you have about it.
i. Do you have any children?
If so, give details: Names, ages, sex, do they live with you or not. (Put an X by the ones joining the organization with you.)
j. What is your relationship with your children?
k. If divorced or separated, do you pay child support?
Give specifics.
l. If divorced or separated, do you have any legal obligations or ties to your children?
Give specifics.

40. Have you any marital or family difficulties?
If yes, give complete details.
41. With whom do you live?
42. Do you support yourself currently (food, rent, auditing, processing, etc.)?
If no, who supports you and what is the arrangement for same?
42A. Do you receive income other than earned by the Church?
If yes, give details.
42B. If you have your own business outside the Church do you also have other Church staff employed in it?
If yes, give full details.
43. Have any persons you are connected to expressed any opinion against Dianetics or Scientology or do they have any objection to your working in connection with it?
If yes, give full details.
44. Have you or any of your family members or close friends ever been connected to a government agency?
If so, give full details.
45., How long have you been in Scientology?

10. Give a general 2D history for yourself, including your earliest sexual experience of any kind, when you started dating, and the names of all persons involved. Make a chronological list by month and year of the names of all persons with whom you have had sexual relationships and what you engaged in. Approximate the number of times you carried on any kind of activity, and note any perversions you engaged in. Who? What? How often? Be as complete as you can.
11. Note any instances of homosexual activity from earliest time up to PT. Give who. What done? And how often?
12. List your interests and hobbies.
13. List all groups and organizations you have ever been associated with; include time period, name of group, its location, what type of group and what you did in it.

So the religiousfreedomwatch web site, which purports to serve a public vigilante function against religious extremists, actually provides information about critics of Scientology that would disqualify them from joining Scientology's Sea Organization.  Religiousfreedomwatch.org staff publicly disqualify critics in a manner intended to further misunderstanding by dramatizing the 12 characteristics of a Suppressive Person, as written by L. Ron Hubbard.

It is not disputed that a few examples of anti religious extremism may be present on the religiousfreedomwatch web site.  This tactic is also used by CCHR and Freedom magazine in including known criminals like Mengele in its hate propaganda against legitimate psychiatry.

Targeting People, Avoiding Principles

Judging from the number of links to rfw from the news group, one purpose of religiousfreedomwatch is to neutralize anti-Scientology material distributed on Usenet news group alt.religion.scientology (a.r.s.).

In distributing personal information about critics and, in some instances, their families, the Scientologists are themselves being extremist.  How would the Scientologists react if the non-Scientology media started publishing their names and pictures, along with a negatively presented background and criminal check, including assessment of family and business associates?  The answer is obvious in Germany, where calling someone a Scientologist is punishable as libel.

So by targeting people, as opposed to discussing differences for the purpose of dialogue and resolution, the "Religious Freedom Watch" web pages stringently follow one of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard's most often repeated principles.  The principle of "Never defend. Always Attack" is rather than defend Hubbard's technocracy, just attack the people who question it.

By targeting people, not principles, and by wholesale condemnation of individuals, instead of spotting and resolving disagreement, Scientology's actions help perpetuate the deviancy, crime and insanity it purports to rid the world of.

If you are a member of a religion that is persecuted, then perhaps you can sympathize with the Scientologists.  To the degree that Scientology is a beneficent religion, your sympathy may be merited.

However, if your religion has a "Deck of Cards" type list of enemies, that could be an indication your religion is a militant-aggressive extremist group.  This is how German authorities classify Scientology.  However, the enemy list by itself is not the problem.  An enemy list is only a visible indication of secret, or covert, operations.  

Scientology can, depending on the situation, be a religion, a cult, an instructional system, an administrative and management system, alternative medicine, a rehabilitation system or a philosophy, but the factor common to all of these is Scientology's Anti-Social Personality Doctrine.  (In 1938 the majority of inmates at Buchenwald concentration camp were classified as "anti-social".  More on the Nazi origins of Hubbard's doctrine below.)  It is this doctrine on which Scientology bases covert activity to suppress those brave enough to disagree with Ron Hubbard.

the Scn-Arab-a.r.s. triangle

An Example of how Scientology uses the "third party law" for suppression

Within their area of PR control, Scientologists covertly and systematically create and exploit differences and aggression to their own end.  

In Arabic-language media, for instance, Scientologists have presented themselves to Muslims as similarly persecuted religionists.  The "South Park" television program, it is noted in one Arabic-language article, ridiculed both Islam and Scientology in different episodes.  On that basis Islamists and Scientologists can agree on the unworthiness of South Park.  Several other Arabic-language articles state that both Islam and Scientology are persecuted in Germany.  On that basis Islamists and Scientologists can agree on the stubbornness of Germans.  By defining common enemies, Scientology can create a circumstance by which the Arab world is more receptive to further overtures.  For instance, Scientology is described in several Arabic-language articles as a "Christian-like" religion. (Look at the cross. It's Christian-like.)

At the other end of the bottom of the triangle, one of the new additions to a.r.s is an Arabic-language porn spammer.  Add to that another recent addition who specifically mocked elements of the Arab culture.  In all likelihood, critics have previously made statements unsympathetic to the Muslim world with regard to certain European cartoons, for instance.  All the Scientologists have to do on top of that is stir the cauldron and chant the right spell.  The Scientology name for this process of instigation is the "Third Party Law".

There are several things Scientology can gain from this at least partially orchestrated triangle.  If an anti-Scientology critic listed on the Religious Freedom Watch web site, either bona fide or bogus, goes for the anti-Muslim bait, the Scientologists could not only score a point on critics being against religion, but have less anti-Scientology criticism to worry about.

If the Scientologists can really attain that goal, it would be hard to think of them merely as crazy cultists.

Because certain anti-Scientologist critics have eagerly taken Scientology's bait to help Scientology attack world-famous fellow critics in the past, Muslims who have much less awareness of Scientology are not to be faulted for being innocent participants of this con.


One technique for conning people is contained in the elements of hypnosis.  By turning people's attention inward, then making suggestions, a hypnotist may attain the desired effect in a percentage of cases.  On religiousfreedomwatch the subjects are made introspective in a setting that strongly suggests anti-Scientology extremism.  Thus Scientology helps to create the very thing the web site authors portend to warn the public about.  When an operation like this is blown, the "Church" routinely decries its own process as "Black Dianetics" or the "illegal" practice of Scientology. 

The following pertains to the era and environment in which L. Ron Hubbard was collecting his original material for Scientology.  In it Dr. George Estabrooks is cited as saying one in every five people are highly suggestible to hypnotism.  This ratio corresponds to Hubbard's Anti-Social Personality Doctrine that says 20% of the population is anti-social, and born out by the percentage of people listed on the Religious Freedom Watch web site who have read the material on other critics and used it to attack their fellow critics.

(Literary indication of an association: Hubbard used a similar-sounding name, Esterbrook, as a pseudonym subsequent to the appearances of Estabrooks' book on Hypnotism.)

Post from alt.religion.scientology
posted by "Feisty" on
Tue, 15 May 2007 21:18:56 GMT
Subject: Estabrooks hypnosis recognition in CIA foia from 1952


Abstract: Pages:0002

Pub Date:  3/4/1952

Release Date:7/29/2004
Case Number:F-2001-01749
Release Decision: RIPPUB

1. A book published in xx by xx, Inc, entitled "xx" on page xx contains the following:

"Today every xxx military doctor and xxx nurse is trained in hypnotism. The xxx have used hypnotism to an amazing extent in healing amnesia cases. Their psychologists use it for traumatic cases. Hypnosis has indeed become the xxx paramount weapon in the treatment of war neuroses."

Will you please advise whether Dr. Yeager  has any interest in our finding what facts, if any the authors have to support the statements contained in the above quotation?

2. This book on pages xx and xx also contains the following statements which may be of interest to xx as well as OSI:

"xxx" a successful author of books on xx  and the xx went one step further. He has declared:

"I can hypnotize a man - without his knowledge or consent - into committing treason against the United States,"  If I can do it, so could psychologists of other nations in the events of another war.'


The above statement is written by Dr. George Estabrooks

Which may in fact, be from the same 1943 book (partially) webbed here:


"Soon after World War II had started, xx called to xx. He was asked by intelligence officers about the possibility that xx I xx and xx secret services might be planning to use hypnotism to obtain information."


Estabrooks has also quoted:

"one in every five of the human race are highly suggestible, at least half are suggestible to a very considerable degree." And he warned, "...mere figures do not tell the story. That one fifth has a power far beyond its numbers; for this type of man, acting under direct suggestion, is no mere average person. He is a fanatic, with all that fanaticism may imply for good or evil."

L Ron Hubbard redefines "good and bad" in his lecture on Brainwashing:"

I hate to tell ya this, since good and bad are apparently merely adjectives, and considerations we have often said, then why is it that a man will go towards good but not toward bad? I don't know. I don't know that. In order to change a person you have to make him better.

The 12 hour of the (?) Congress
Given by L Ron Hubbard on the 2nd of September. 1956
Title: Brainwashing
(c) 1956 by L Ron Hubbard
This recording has been re-recorded by HCO Tape Department
St Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex, England


"Isn't Dianetics a kind of hypnotism ? Absolutely not. Anyone in doubt as to how hypnotism works need only consult the authoritative books on the subject by Estabrooks."


Estabrooks explained how individuals so controlled would have no conscious aversion to Americans and would continue to behave as good citizens. Subconsciously, however, they would be saboteurs and agents of the enemy.

Estabrooks, chairman of the Department of Psychology at Colgate University, was called to Washington by the War Department shortly after Pearl Harbor... At that time, only a handful of men knew of the government's experiments with hypnosis for the purpose of controlling minds in the interest of "national security..." "Two hundred trained foreign operators, working in the United States," Estabrooks told the military leaders, "could develop a uniquely dangerous army of hypnotically controlled Sixth Columnists."

A Nazi-Scientology comparison

Because persecution of the "anti-social personality" is documented in the Nazi concentration camps, and because of the brownshirted quality of Scientology's CCHR, or Citizens Commission on Human Rights, a comparison may be made between Hitler's Sturmabteilung or Brownshirts and the CCHR and between the anti-social personality as persecuted by both the Nazis and by the Scientologists.

Hubbard recognized early on that too many similarities for comfort were being drawn between his Scientology and the National Socialist Workers Party of 1930s Germany.  He defended his organization against this comparison by a socio-psychological technique called "positioning."  Hubbard had used this technique previously when he was accused of brainwashing his adherents. In response to these allegations, he launched a Public Relations campaign that said Scientology didn't cause brainwashing, it cured it.  That explanation solved the problem for the public mind.  To this day, Scientologists and possibly others advocate Hubbard's mind altering techniques as a cure for brainwashing.

When people began comparing him with Hitler, Hubbard expanded on his past public relations success.  By saying that the Scientologists were similar to the Jews persecuted by Hitler, Hubbard both painted his critics as Nazis and Scientology as a persecuted religion.  So the comparison of Scientologists in Germany to the Jews in Nazi Germany did not arise because Scientologists were persecuted to any extent in that country, but to preempt the inevitable comparison of Hubbard's doctrine with Hitler's.  The Scientologists officially arrived in Germany in 1972, but were already protesting alleged religious persecution in 1975 in response to reports of their deceptive business practices.

From Michael Burleigh's "The Third Reich, a new history" (2001 Pan Books):

"... the police received fresh arrest quotas, but now for the 'anti-social' -- that is, individuals who may not have committed any specific offence but whose behavior was deemed unacceptable by the leaders of the 'national community'.  By November 1938, only a third of inmates at Buchenwald, a concentration camp near Weimar, were political prisoners: the majority consisted of the 'anti-social'."

Religious Freedom Watch also has quotas of a sort.  The reason the number of critics listed on the site is so low is that Hubbard preached that there are only a few dozen people in the world who are causing Scientology not to work.  Having the names of hundreds or thousands of critics on the site would cast doubt on Hubbard's words.

Is it valid to compare the religion branch of Scientology to the Nazis?  The Nazis also had a religion branch, the "German Christians".  According to the Nazis, "Religion is the foundation of ethics and morality," (cited by Burleigh from Shelley Baranowski, "The Sanctity of Rural Life" German History (1991)9, p. 21.)

The comparison goes beyond doctrine.  The person who bears legal responsibility for the Religious Freedom Watch web site is associated with Scientology's CCHR.  This is a group that has been compared to Nazi Brownshirts, known in German as the SA or "Sturmabteilung.  Scientology and Nazi Brownshirts maintain discipline in their respective groups by doing the dirty work.  CCHR performs the campaigns that are too unchurchly for the "Church" of Scientology, such as propagating Hubbard's doctrines that non-Scientology medicines are making people sick, and that psychiatrists are making people crazy.  It is a natural progression for the Scientology "Brownshirts" to tell the public that the critics who can best prove that Scientology is a con game are not to be believed.  

Blessings and Peace.

In this sense, Scientology is to be thanked for pointing the public in the right direction, as long as the public is savvy enough to realize that a few of those listed on the Scientology Religious Freedom Watch site will tend to muddy the waters more than others.

Nonetheless may their families and associates and the families and associates of religiousfreedomwatch.org staff recognize and nourish in them goodness, so that they may one day behave in a similar manner.