ally: collaborator arm: "anti-religious movement", people osa does not like cis: Commonwealth of Independent States crims: criminals, see arm da or d.a.: Dead Agent, character assassination dep 20: see osa DN: Dianetics dsa: Department of Special Affairs eu: Europe freezone: reform Scientologists i/c: in charge, squad leader int: international life histories: see da LRH: L. Ron Hubbard ml: much love, LRH's favorite sign-off msn: mission, special detachment off: officer osa: Office for Special Affairs otl: Operations and Transport Liaison Office (see note at bottom of index page, outnesses: violations pc: preclear, human being pjt: project, this is a formal term pr: public relations PRO: public relations officer ruds: rudiments, getting in legal ruds means to obtain the necessary legal papers0901101 osacis //rush// pr aide osa int info: invest aide osa int, president csi, co osa eu, a/pr aide osa eu re: //alert// congressmen visit russia dear sir, we just got data that 3 us congressmen will visit russia on the 12th of january as they got invited by the president administration to come and see that the new religion law has been implemented (and that there are no problems from this, no viola- tions of human rights). It is known that the congressmen will come and look from the viewpoint whether russia should be supported on budget or not so of course the president admini- stration will do a "show". we know that two key persons who could inform factually about the existing scene in russian regions due to the new religion law were not invited to meet with the congressmen. these key persons were this past year in holland in den haag at the international court and briefed there about the new religion law and the anticonstitutional effect it may cause. we know that one expert from the institute religion & law is invited to attend the meeting with the congressmen but it is not yet known if he will be given time for speech about the existing violations of constitutional rights in several regions. I would appreciate your help to get across a message to the congressmen before they leave the us about what they should demand to know and who to see about this because if they only get the data prepared for them by the president administration they will not get the truth: they should demand to meet lawrence uzzel from the british keston institute in moscow, who actively observes what is happening on the front of religious freedom in russia and knows the facts about violations of same. further experts from the institute religion and law e.g. anatoli ptjelintsevor and vladimir rjakhoskii knows lots of facts from across the country on how the religion law effects local administration in their decisions about especially non-orthodox confessions. further the helsinki group in moscow also has experts who knows about violations of religious freedom - the director of that group is lev ponomarev. these three non-state organizations can give facts. the president administration appears to have the intention to "pack" the reality so it suits the state. we do not have the names of the congressmen who will come but sue taylor probably knows about this or could know about this. ml birthe t/co osa cis 0901102 osacis d/co dsas osa eu info: d/co conts osa int, t/a/invest aide osa eu, a/legal off osa eu, co osa eu re: investigation by procurator dear sir, this is update on the current situation. in december 97 the procurator of ostankino district moscow contacted the otl and wanted our data on what we are, do etc. background for this was order from the generel [sic] procurator demanding investigation of our activity. via ally we knew that this is the strategy on getting all non-orthodox "religious type" organizations investi- gated for what they do legally / non legally, we found that the procurator had received request from stateduma deputy krivelskaja with claim that otl is doing unlicensed education etc. we know this woman krivelskaja as she has figured as attacker of non- traditional religions and has used the line of the stateduma to attacks [sic] "sects". we prepared all the needed d.a. and legal documents requested by the procurator - through personal visits 3-4 times by otl portcaptain and once as well the legal director of otl. additionally was filed statutes of the scientology church moscow. the handling was much helped by the fact that we have an ally with commline to procurator. and that ally was requested for input several times. the fact that an expertise on scientology is requested to professional people at [t]he institute of religion and law but not yet realized due to lack of budget at the procu- rator lines in vital. this only will happen if the procurator will manage to locate a funding line within the system. as far as actual investigation into the otl this is completed by procurator as she had order[ed] to complete it in december and did so based on what she found and her report went to the generel [sic] procurator. so basically krivelskaja's complaint did not achieve what was intended as our facts tell the real scene which d.a.'s th[e] complaint. - there is now a new complaint on the line of the generel procurator and it was filed by a woman in the arm group called committe[e] to protect youngsters against totalitarian sects. it is complaint against scientology church moscow and scientology as such (we don[']t have it's [sic] wording) but a usual one looking like other complaints filed by same arm group against others - according to ally. it is predicted that this complaint will not cause new action or investigation since there just was done one. but we cannot be fully sure about this. thus we have a handling as follows: 1) get in any and all legal/security ruds needed to prevent enemy from gaining any materials that could be misinterpreted and turned against us. this concerns computer data and computer disks, pc files, lifehistories, any special data (dep 20). this includes spaces located for this. 2) get in all outstanding legal registrations of otl staffs this includes more berthing space rented and put to use for newer staffs. 3) get in all firesafety for otl 2nd building 4) get solution worked out for building plan approval of the otl 2nd building and activate this (solution has to be found that can handle this fast) 5) carry out project to legalize diningroom which so far was used without pass from sanitary authority. these targets m u s t go in this week for the otl base area. - for the scientology church moscow we will get inspection done mon/tuesday by a professional to find any outnesses that needs handling. then handle. as well get in step 1) as per above for the scientology msn this week. - for st. pete scientology center step 1) also is to go in and this is organized and will be done this week. - whatever else we must do the above is priority and must go in now. - for getting attack onto enemy ground we will do the following: 1. reactivate out public group called "parents against totalitarian thinking". 2. get a complaint written about the illegal acts of the arm-group committe[e] for protections [sic] youngsters ... by spreading false data against people and running a disinformation campaign against non-orthodox confessions. that it is promoting illegal deprogramming to be used in russia etc. (documentary data) 3. file the complaint with generel procurator 4. develop info lines and when possible use new data for filing of new complaints about the arm group and its hate campaign with the general [sic] procurator. 5. parents to write to media to complain about the arm-group destroying families, causing conflicts etc, (based on facts) 6. make info letters on internet by the parents against totalitarian thinking exposed similar data as used with media in 5) above. 7. as needed create legal identity of the parents group. 8. continue exposing the arm group based on new facts found. 9. while doing the above investigate krivelskaja and get data exposed on proper lines (via ally lines). - step 1-3 of the above to be done this week. ml t/co osa cis 0301215 osa int 2 germany task force i/c osa int info: d/co external osa int, pr aide i/t osa int re: russia/us human rights annual report dear sir, i got your comm and contacted the us embassy, found that mr. webber has left his post and that the data for the state department's annual human rights report was written and submitted at the end of 97. i spoke to the person, who now cares for the area of human rights, mr. paul marten, who said he will observe the religion law in use and another collegue [sic] will care for the human rights issue, but that collegue is on hollydays [sic] currently. i asked mr martens [sic] if he had to write data on the situation of religion law and human rights and violations etc. in this context i found that the data for the annual report already was completed in december and submitted and that he forthwith is to collect data on how the new religion law is applied and regularly report on this to washington. we agreed to meet after 20th january as he until then will be occupied by visit of congressmen coming to russia to look at how the religion law is put to use. ml birthe t/co osa cis 0901103 osacis d/co dsas osa eu info: d/co conts osa int, data file osa int, data file osa eu re: dr 9 jan dear sir, * threat: the threat of upcoming procurator inspection of the otl today was found to no longer be valid. however as in this country law is not the director of things we carry though [sic] handling plans to be prepared in any case. we got indication that new complaint lies with procurator against scientology church moscow but may not be acted upon due to procurator investi- gation of the otl in december 97. but we carry through handling to be prepared in case of procurator inspection will take place. i send you all details of handling in separate tlx in this same run. also included is our turning of attack onto enemy ground. * other: us congressmen are coming to russia this week to look how the religion law is put to work. i sent telex to pr aide osa int on help in alerting them on what to look for. you get a copy of tlx. * other: new amnesty for crimes now exists in russia which influences on our handling of freezone crims. legal officer sends separate data on this and more data will be gotten and relayed tomorrow on this. * meetings: key meeting today was with ally and getting facts related to procurator investigation. and getting handling steps started. data in separate telex. * constitutional pjt: YESTERDAY D/PRO ISSUED A PRESS-RELEASE ON CONSTITUTIONAL CAMPAIGN WHICH WENT OUT TO THE MEDIA. - D/PRO HAD A SUCCESSFUL MEETING WITH THE JOUNALIST [sic] FROM BUSINESS NEWSPAPER, WHO OFFERED A WHOLE CHAIN OF PUBLICATIONS ON ANY ASPECT OF LRH TECH FOR FREE ON THE CONDITION THAT WE WILL GIVE INTERESTING ANSWERS ON INTERESTING QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS ASPECT OF TECH. AS THIS IS A BUSINESS PAPER WE AGREED THAT D/PRO WILL PREPARE FIRST QUESTIONS/ANSWERS SERIES FOR HER AND SHE WILL PROPOSE IT FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NEAREST TWO WEEKS. THIS FIRST SET WILL BE ABOUT CONFLICTS IN BUSINESS. FURTHER TOPIKS [sic] COULD CONCERN RESOLUTION OF CONFLICTS, HIRING OF PERSONNEL, ETC. OUR PHONE NUMBER WILL BE IN THE ARTICLE. - D/PRO PREPARED AND SENT DA MATERIALS NEEDED IN PETROPAVLOVSK AND ANOTHER PACK WHEN TO NORTHERN TOWN WHERE INFO MATERIALS WERE NEEDED TO GET SOMETHING TO THE MEDIA, BECAUSE OUR NEWSPAPER DEMANDED PERMISSION FROM LOCAL MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, THINK DN IS MEDICINE. ml t/co osa cis
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