Ingo Heinemann

Scientology Criticism

Advertisement by Scholars:
Yonan, Introvigne & Co.

The Scientology organization likes to use scholars for purposes of PR/advertising. Scholars are valued as being neutral and particularly credible.
Examples are Gabriele Yonan and Massimo Introvigne.
Both qualify as what Louis J. West described, in his 1981 Bonn presentation on "Cults as a Problem of Public Health," as "strange confederates of the cults":

"It is easy to present such theories when one is not encumbered with findings of fact."

This is easy to check out with Yonan and Introvigne. Look in their writings about the Scientology organization for the words "offers," "prices," "risks" and "damages." Words of this sort may be alien to Mrs. Yonan. For Introvigne they are a part of his profession.

This is a translation from the original German which was found at which was last updated on 16 May 1999
[note: "scholar" in this text does not mean "student" or "pupil," but "one who has done advanced study in a special field." The German word is "Religionswissenschaftler, which literally translates as "religious scientist."]

On this same subject: The Guyard-Rapport: Echos<BR>

Keywords and names on this page: Yonan Introvigne and CESNUR

The Scientology organization likes to use scholars for purposes of PR/advertising. Scholars are valued as being neutral and particularly credible.
However, there are some things to take into consideration:
Not everybody whom Scientology labels as a scholar is one.
Not all professors are (still) employed as scholars.
The title of "professor" has very diverse meanings.
In many countries it is used to describe a teacher.

In the examination of an academic grade and scientific qualification, Professor Wolfgang Michaelis wrote (in Efler and Reile: VPM - The Psycho-Sect, page77) that the most important criterium was "... the establishment of results by scientific procedure." That was said to be the "bottom step" needed for someone to rank "not necessarily as a scholar, but at least as an 'academic'."

Prof. Michaelis on claims of truth:

"Claims of truth have long since left the realm of science, and given way to helpful expressions such as 'not yet contradicted,' 'supported by data,' 'currently useful,' and 'brings up more questions.' Only one single methodical principle remains (currently) unshakable: doubt, doubt, doubt for every result of research, with the practical instruction of continuous questioning."

When the Scientology organization makes reference to alleged or actual scholars, it is primarily an attempt to prove that Scientology is a religion, thus, to defend itself from criticism.

Yonan, the Torchbearer

In a special internet page ( an alleged "committee on religious tolerance" reports on alleged abuses in Germany.
The address of this foundation: 6331 Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles. This is also the office of the Church of Scientology International, as can been seen in the 1998 Constitutional Security report ( Advertising and Sales Activities).
In particular, there is a report on a 1998 tour of Europe whose destination was Frankfurt, where a demonstration was held on 10 August 1998.
As of April 29, 1999, these internet pages contained the following concerning this demonstration:

"The runners holding the IAS/Religious Freedom torch came into Frankfurt after their 3,000 kilometers run and officially turned the torch over to Professor Gabrielle Yonan, a scholar from the Berlin university. Dr. Yonan also attended and spoke at the marches last year. "
"... The lead runner then ceremoniously handed over the 'The Torch of Freedom' to Dr. Gabrielle Yonan of the Free University of Berlin. Flanked with German and international dignitaries, ... she began the procession to Old Opera Square."

Mrs. Yonan, who was presented as a prominent scholar is anything but. Quite certainly she is not a professor at the Berlin University. Nor could any other teaching assignment for her be found, much less a proper position as a professor. Not even her doctorate title was verifiable.

Naturally this was not the first mention of this sort. According to "Freiheit" Scientology magazine (C=97, title: "Time to decide", p. 9) she had taken part in an earlier Scientology demonstration in Frankfurt and was presented as a "renowned religious scholar of Berlin Free University": "she was at the head of the marchers ..." ... "While she presented a legislative proposal for religious rights ..." ...

In response to an application made by the Berlin Free University [the "applying party"], the Berlin State Court made a decision 16 0 801/98 on 23 December 1998 to have a temporary restraining order made out against Mrs. Yonan:

"... will be ordered in the course of the temporary order, and, because of the urgency, without verbal communication, in accordance with PP. 935 if., 91 ZPO.
1. The opposing party will avoid the conduct determined by the court or be subject to a fine of 500,000.00 DM or its legal equivalent, or confinement of up to six months.

denied; passing herself off as a member of the applying party, to let herself be described as such in public, or to give the impression in any other way that she is a member of the applying party. In particular she must avoid passing herself off as a professor and/or religious scholar of the applying party, to let herself be called so in public, or to give the impression in any other way that she holds such a position.

2. The costs of the proceedings are born by the opposing party.

3. The worth of the disputed amount is determined to be 50,000.00 DM."

What did Mrs. Yonan to in response? Nothing.
From a Berlin Free University letter of 12 April 1999:
"... we are letting you know that no legal appeal was lodged."

Who is Mrs. Yonan?

On her web page
the index page read (as of 10 May 1999):

This server is meant to acquaint you with much interesting information about religion. The religions are presented from their viewpoint, completely without any schoolmaster-like evaluation. In this way the right to free practice of belief is taken into account.

Nowhere can it be found how disposing of evaluation is supposed to take the right to free practice of belief into account.
This is understandable in any case if evaluation is equated to criticism and if it is presumed the criticism is not desired.
However, doing away with evaluation does mean doing away with scientific work.
That, of course, is completely acceptable on a web site.
What is hard to understand is that evaluation is rated as "schoolmaster-like" by the alleged scholar.

According to the measures cited above by Prof. Dr. Michaelis, Gabrielle Yonan can hardly be viewed as a scholar, because the "establishment of results by scientific procedure" also includes evaluation.

Who is Mrs. Yonan?

There is more about this in the Berliner Morgenpost article "The Unabomber's Penpal" of January 21, 1998

Introvigne and CESNUR

On an Italian web site, Miguel Martinez addresses (in the German language) Introvigne and CESNUR:

"Falsified reports, insults and obscenities: the unbelievable reactions of the "Friends of CESNUR"

CESNUR presents itself as a theological institution. Its chief is Massimo Introvigne, who is therefore often taken for a theologian.

Professor Dr. Hubert Seiwert, theologian at Leipzig University wrote under the title "How far does Religious Freedom extend? The Guyard Report and the Sect Debate in France." (The entire article is reprinted under "The Guyard Rapport: Echos"). At the time, Seiwert was a technical expert with the German Parliament's Enquete Commission.
Seiwert wrote

"The scientific competence of the authors is, beyond any doubt, sublime. These amount to acknowledged specialists in the area of sect research. Introvigne is director of the Center for the Study of New Religions (CESNUR) in Turin,Meltonis Director for the Institute for the Study of American Religions (ISAR) in Santa Barbara. In the introduction, the publisher states that according to their findings, not one of the theologians referenced in this area of research had a positive assessment of the Guyard report. Nevertheless, there were supposed to have been thousands of specialists. If, as is statistically is to be expected, somewhere in the world a theologian or sociologist supports this parliamentary report and its methods, he is cordially invited to partake of the discussion in one of the international social science magazines.

Because of this provocation, which is unusual for a scientific publication, the Guyard Rapport went from a domestic politic issue to an international affair."

Enough of Professor Seiwert for now. See also "The Guyard Rappart: Echos"

Advice to the Enquete Commission of the German Parliament

Introvigne sent a fax on 7 May 1996 "to the President of the Bundestag in Germany and to the Chairpersons of the five political party groups in the Bundestag" with the subject of "'Cults' in Germany: Discrimination or Tolerance?" In it he advised the German Bundestag's Enquete Commission

"not to take any action on this extremely delicate subject without hearing the advice of experts recognized by the international academic community .... CESNUR ... would be pleased to offer its assistance"

That met with success. In the Enquete Commission's report (p. 267) "Prof. Dr. Massimo Introvigne" is mentioned as a participant of the hearing of June 5, 1997.

Introvigne's Profession

By profession, Introvigne is a lawyer.

Of course there is nothing wrong with an attorney being involved with this theme, however Introvigne gives the impression that he is a religious scholar.

The legal office at which he is employed in Turin has put his life's story on the internet. It is stated there that: Introvigne was born in 1955; he obtained his Dr. at the University of Turin; his area of speciality is commercial legal protection; he is president of the OHM (Community Trademarks Office); he has written about the protection of computer programs, about trade and advertisement and about contemporary legal protection in unfair competition.

Is Introvigne a Professor?

Each professional success is painstakingly listed in the biography. However, any indication of Introvigne being a professor is missing. It reads, moreover, that he had been an assistant at the University of Turin.

The best advertisement for a lawyer is a title of "Professor." It is unthinkable that someone would list every little article and book contribution, each organizational membership (with the exception of membership in CESNUR), but then forget the title of "Professor."

The pages are put up on the internet in summer 1998. Is he supposed to have become a professor since then?

Tilman Hausherr also noticed that Introvigne was using a professor title even though no university could be found at which he had been employed as one. Tilman Hausherr manages a comprehensive Internet site on the theme of sects.

Hausherr wrote to Introvigne. Introvigne answered,

"As concerns the title 'Professor,' you will find me listed in the "Catalog of Professors and Docents of the Pontifici Atenei Romani," the latest edition ..... page 207 under the letter "I."

Hausherr wrote back, "... and what about the 1997, 1998, and 1999 editions? Aren't you listed there anymore?" Introvigne was enraged, "Enough is enough," but continued, "1996 was the last edition."

It is still puzzling that he would refer to a catalog in general. It would have been simpler just to write who had made him a professor where and when.

If anybody were to doubt that I am a full-fledged lawyer, then I would put the appropriate document on the scanner and several minutes later the interested party would have an electronic copy in his computer. From the document it can be determined who the issuing authority is, and from them one can verify that this document is not counterfeit.

One thing is clear in any case: in 1998 his life history stated nothing about serving as a professor, by the same token he was said to have been a professor for years.

Pro-Scientology articles

Trademark and copyright laws are the foundation of the Scientology corporation. This is the area in which Introvigne is a specialist. Scientology could hardly help but notice this.

One article is published on the internet at a site where opinions which are otherwise favorable to Scientology can be found. There one finds a text from Introvigne:

Prof. Massimo Introvigne Center for Studies on New Religions
(CESNUR), Turin, Italy December 1, 1997

If you electronically page through the text you end up at a FAQ list: These are "Freqently Asked Questions" and their answers.

Question 1: How do people get into Scientology?
Answer: Often through discussion, sometimes through reading books ...
Question 2: Did L. Ron Hubbard earn much money with Scientology?
Answer: As do other authors, he earned money from the royalties from his books ...

Tilman Hausherr made inquiries about this to Introvigne and pointed out that this text was reprinted on the FAQ which is also available at Introvigne answered on 20 January 1999:

"I did not write these FAQs and there is nothing quoted from me. However, I do not believe that there is a law which prevents Scientology or anybody else from using "Introvigne" as part of a URL."

A URL is the address of an internet page. Introvigne's statement is inconceivable. Under this address: Introvigne's article can be found. It is also normal that this address contains his name.

But of course this was not about his name in the URL. It was about why a Scientology text was found at the end of an article originating from him.

There are laws about names and personal identities in all countries. He could have at least requested the owner of this web site to take the Scientology advertisement out of the page with his article, or to make it clear that both do not belong together. Or he could have refused permission for his article to be hosted at this web site.

Tilman Hausherr was taken by surprise on another point.

He had taken the report of the Bundestag's Enquete Commission from the internet and reformatted it into the HTML standard. The report itself, according to p. 5 of the copyright law, is free because it is an official document. However, the reformatting of it into the HTML standard is not [free from copyright]. CESNUR copied Hausherr's text without mentioning it to him and put the document on its own web site.

Probably nobody produces more articles at this time than Introvigne. In essence, however, he only criticizes the sect critics, their methods of operation and their selection of words, especially when the word "sect" is used.

CESNUR also addresses reports from governments and parliaments which pertain to sects ("cult reports").

Cult reports are divided into Type I and Type II. Type I, for example is France 1998: not acceptable. Type II is Germany 1998, Italy 1998, Sweden 1998. Type II does not contain lists of "dangerous cults" and considers the scientific criticism of the anti-cult paradigm. (Source:

On one issue, Introvigne behaves like a trial lawyer. On the topic of psychological influence, brainwashing and mental programming:

He quite simply argues that nothing of the sort exists.

Penpal of the Unabomber

Berlin, Germany
January 21, 1998
Berliner MorgenPost

Why a specialist in Asian Studies from Berlin writes the most-wanted man in the USA

by Peter Schubert

On the floor of her workroom, Dr. Gabriele Yonan has spread out eight thick files. Out of the second binder the 53 year old oriental and religious specialist quite delicately handles a document protector, almost as if she were dealing with explosives.

Inside is a pencil written letter from Main County Jail in Sacramento. According to the US postmark, the letter was mailed to Dr. Yonan on August 6, 1996. The sender is inmate X-REF 3 165 854 - Theodore John Kaczynski, America's alleged Unabomber.

Not an inconsiderable document; Kaczynski is alleged to have terrorized the USA with letter bombs. Addressees of his deadly mail were mostly universities and airlines, on whose account the FBI had given Kaczynski the nickname "Unabomber." Three people were killed with his 16 attacks; 23 seriously wounded.

Now the "trial of the century" will be held for the "most wanted man in the USA" in California. He faces the death penalty.

It is incomprehensible that the "mad professor", who lived for years as a hermit in a wooden shack in the mountains of Montana, now wishes to confide in, of all people, a specialist from Berlin. Dr. Yonan, the Unabomber's only penpal in the world?

"In order to make one thing perfectly clear," insists the resident of Wilmersdorf, "in no respect am I to be considered a lonely-heart female who writes letters to death row inmates."

It was the report of the spectacular arrest of Kaczynski on April 3, 1996 which led this member of the "Society for Endangered People" to take notice.

"In 1919 my father also lived in Montana, before his decision to return to Germany," explained Dr. Yonan. "I was immediately motivated, and began to study all reports about the Unabomber over the Internet." During this time she was disturbed that "only the criminal case" was brought forward. Kaczynski gave up public life at the end of the 60's in Berkeley, California, after having lectured on "functions of limits and space", and having already been regarded by his colleagues as a candidate for a Nobel prize in Mathematics, was prematurely "labelled as schizophrenic and crazy", and consciously shut out his "technologically- hostile motivations and social criticism." By 1971 the asocial scientist decided to escape and went off to be a woodsman pioneer.

"Kaczynski's story reminds me of Dostojevski's character Raskolniov, who first wrote and published his essay, 'On Crime" and then turned his theory into actual practice," she said. Be that as it may, in June of 1996, one day after Kaczynski was transferred from Montana to a high security cell in a Sacramento prison, Dr. Yonan wrote an Essay with the title "The Unabomber or America's Justice" and sent him the German manuscript for perusal. The Unabomber understands German.

Kaczynski, who has not released a single public written statement since his arrest, answered Mrs. Yonan on July 30, 1996. The short letter included: "I am thankful for your letter -- please write again. For the time being I will say nothing more than this, since my attorney insists that I limit my communication with the outside to a minimum. I am sure they would not like it if I were to receive a visit from you. Thanks for your support. Ted Kaczynski."

As superficial as the letter is, Dr. Yonan became articulate after a Quin Denvir, one of the two public defenders contacted her. Denvir asked that she publish "nothing more about Theodore Kaczynski's case", because that "would only make matters worse."

Apparently, Gabriele Yonan presumes, the attorneys' attempt to fully shield Kaczynsi from the outside has not been of avail. Since there is little doubt as to whether Kaczynsi really is the Unabomber, the strategy of the defenders can only consist of pleading diminished responsibility and mental incompetence. Any written evidence to the contrary could only serve the public prosecutor as countering evidence. Kaczynski has steadfastly refused examination by a psychiatrist.

In order not to hinder the defense strategy, Dr. Yonan remained silent about receiving the one and only letter from Kaczynski, but she still wrote him.

However, she believes she is able to talk now, because Kaczynski, according to the American press, unexpectedly started off his trial by "dropping a new bomb." The gifted mathematician (who has an IQ of 170), explained to the puzzled judge that he had "no confidence in his attorneys", and that he was "anything but insane." Kaczynski demanded that Tony Serra, famous public defender from San Francisco, defend him. Kaczynski had brought to Dr. Yonan's attention that Judge Garland Burrel had denied this motion on account of untimeliness, but would decide at his next hearing on January 22, whether he was competent enough to represent himself.

Dr. Yonan, who is more familiar with the Unabomber trial than anyone else in Germany, does "not doubt for a minute that Kaczynski will make a judicial spectacle of himself. He would rather provoke another than remain alive", she believes, "he will deny nothing, instead he wants to read from his Manifest of 1995 to make the public aware that industrial society is a threat to humankind."

The New York Times was forced to publish this manifesto "Industrial Society and its Future" at the Kaczynski's demand on September 19, 1995 to prevent further bombings. One of the many millions of readers was David Kaczynski, the brother of the alleged Unabomber. He gave the authorities the deciding tip which finally led to the arrest of the Unabomber after weeks of observation.

Gabriele Yonan translated the manifesto in 1997 and published it for the first time in German on the internet. "In his writings Kaczynski expresses nothing which has not already been expressed before him by Joseph Weizenbau, Stanislaw Lem Rudolf Bahro or even the Club of Rome", pronounces Dr. Yonan, "they also warned of the dangers of high technology and unlimited growth, but unlike Kaczynski they never used explosives."

According to Dr. Yonan, Kaczynski is "without a doubt deeply disturbed." That the "mad genius" must take responsibility for his attacks in a criminal trial is for her "out of the question." For her it is "inconceivable" that Kaczynski would be sentenced to death. She brings up the latest news in which American researchers seriously pursue the cloning of humans and says: "Who knows whether Kaczynski and his extreme rejection of technology will be honored as a freedom fighter in 50 or 100 years."

Frankfurt, Germany
September 10, 1996
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

How far does religious freedom extend?

The Guyard Report and the sect debate in France

by Professor Dr. Hubert Seiwert

The discussion about sects in general and Scientology in particular appears to have flamed up yet again in Germany this year, this time with a new quality. The utilization of an Enquete Commission on "so-called sects and psycho-cults" by the German Parliament is a signal that politics intends to energetically get involved with the sect problem. The American House of Representatives has found that in Germany public and state approved discrimination against members of the Scientology Church violates the principle of free practice of religion and thereby human rights. In this way the "sect problem" has taken on a foreign political dimension.

It is possible that an idea of the upcoming debate in Germany can be had by a glance at the discussion in France. The French parliamentarians are years ahead of the German. While the German Parliament is counting on receiving the report from the Enquete Commission in two years, an equivalent commission of the French National Assembly has already presented its report in December of last year. The "Guyard Rapport," as it is known to journalists, comes to the conclusion, however, that there is no indication that new laws be made, because the danger consists of interference with general rights of freedom. The existing legal instrumentation is said to offer sufficient alternatives to deal with dangers resulting from sects. Nevertheless the Guyard report has also rekindled a discussion in France which has been going on for years. At variance with the past, however, this time there is vehement criticism of not only the treatment of the sect problem by the media and politicians, but of the Guyard report itself.

The criticism comes from two different directions. On one side the legal implications of the report and the political consequences of the Ministry of Justice are criticized and considerable constitutional legal objections are expressed. On the other side, sociologists and religious scholars are criticizing the report as scientifically unsound, irresponsible and biased. One is hard put to view the Guyard report as a work which fulfills scientific claims. That is obviously not the intent of the commission. In the difficult question which almost decides everything of what is meant by "sects," the commission did not select a scientific, but an "ethical" term. It views a movement "which presents itself as being religious" as a "sect" if one or more of ten criteria were met which include the "mental destabilization" of the member or the attempt to infiltrate public resources. The concept of sect is relegated to a strictly evaluated category: any religious group which is (allegedly or actually) dangerous to individuals or society is designated as a "sect."

Apparently on the basis of these criteria, a list was drawn up of 172 sects which were active in France at the time, although only ten of these had more than two thousand members. The group which led the list with the most members by far was the Jehova's Witnesses, which had over ten thousand members. The report neglected to prove the applicability of its own criteria in each individual case. Therefore it cannot be reviewed why individual groups such as anthroposophy-like Christian congregations or several evangelical groups were included in this list of dangerous sects.

The French public reacted mildly irritated when, even before the Guyard report was dealt with in the National Assembly, the French Association for Religious Sociology held an international colloquium in Paris in the beginning of February and published vehement criticism of the commission's report. Jean Bauberot, a respected sociologist from the National Center for Scientific Research, accused the commission of having included not one of the sociologists or religious scholars concerned with the theme. The report was said to have dealt with a highly complex phenomenon in an improper and simplified manner which the commission based on allegedly false, overdone or incomplete information. On this basis a "black list" of movements was said to have been produced, a good part of which presented no danger. It was not disputed, however, that a small number of religious groups were violating existing law, but it was said that this did not justify the incrimination of hundreds of religious groups.

If the scholars had been expecting widespread agreement with their criticism, then they were disappointed. The newspapers reported their criticism in detail, but kept a discernible distance. The article in "Le Monde" closed with the comment that in view of the threat from a few sects, now was certainly not the time to decrease the watchfulness on the growing influence of sects. That certainly expressed the opinion of the majority. At the end of February, the Justice Minister broadcast a flyer to the state attorney's offices in which the sense of the report to assertively proceed against sects could be read.

In April, Alain Garay, attorney of the Parisian Appellate Court, published a criticism of the Justice Minister in the respected weekly legal magazine "La Semaine Juridique." He accused the minister of a lack of legalistic precision. He said there was no legal definition of "sect" and that French law did not differentiate among the various kinds of religions. The mission of the state attorney's offices was said to be the pursuance of violations of existing laws, regardless of by whom they were committed.

Attorney Garav, however, did not leave it at a formal criticism of the Justice Minister, but turned to a detailed analysis of the fundamental problem of the relationship with sects, state and private interest groups. In the "Gazette du Palais" one of the much-read legal monthly magazines, he found that politics in the treatment of sect problems had been denied in that they had given in to pressure from the public information monopoly of private interest groups. Different interest groups of sect opponents, in particular the Union national des Associations de defence des Familles et de I'individu (National Union of Association for the Defense of Families and Individuals) and the Centre contre les Manipulations Mentales (Center against Mental Manipulation) were said to have succeeded in establishing themselves as publicly acknowledged "experts." Garay saw a danger in the state permitting these experts, who had been in no way legitimized, to come up with the power of definition over which religious groups would be categorized as "sects," and thus be viewed as dangerous.

The anti-sect movements were alleged to have presumed to copy the methods of the Justice Department and to mete out sentence upon religious groups without following even the most elementary legal regulation. For instance, only incriminating, never exonerating, facts were being introduced, and the accusations were not subject to any sort of defense. Such a privatization of the application of law was said to present a serious threat to the legal character of the republic. He said that the state must not permit such a controversial social problem as the legitimization of the definition of sects to lie in the hands of private interest groups. As the most important measure for the protection of the legal state, Garay demanded the establishment of a government observation and consultation center, which would have to work with the appropriate research institutes at the universities.

In his promotion of a government observation center, Garay had the same proposal as Monsignore Vernette, the sect commissioner of the French Episcopalians. It had also been mentioned in the Guyard report. It was therefore certainly not in reaction to Garay's suggestion, when, in the beginning of May Prime Minister Juppe established an inter-ministerial sect observation center. To be sure a National Observation for the Study of Sects had been founded on a private initiative which consisted mainly of lawyers. With that the discussion expanded to a new dimension, which is comprehensible only in light of the traditional anti-clergyism of a large part of the French intellectuals.

Various journalists believed that the National Observation Center, which apparently did not share the position of militant sect opponents, could have been a disguise for a fifth column of the Vatican. As a matter of fact the chairman, Jean-Marc Florand, is known to be a Catholic lawyer. However, as the publisher Serge Fauber commented in his criticism, since he has appeared as a "zealous defender of homosexuals," and regularly defends Jehovah's Witnesses on a regular basis, he is hardly suited to be identified as a mouthpiece for the Pope.

At the same time it is unmistakable that there is considerable objection in the French Episcopal office to the ordinarily indiscriminate criticism of sects and religious minorities in France. Whether Opus Dei influence is behind this, as asserted in the anti-clerical criticism, is a matter of question. Perhaps French Catholics also have a marked sensitivity for the public attacks against religious groups which have been made without extensive legal limitations, and so could also present a threat to the Catholic church. An article in the weekly magazine "Charlie Hebdo" which is against the "papist" National Observation Center, is entitled "When the Catholic Sects observe their little competitors," and heralds a view from which all religions would be evaluated as nothing other than sects.

This makes up an unusual constellation for the German observer: Catholic lawyers along with sociologists and religious scholars objecting to the publicly reigning accusations against religious minorities. The sect opponents are accused of having created a "witch hunt" climate with their indiscriminate and, technically speaking in many cases, unjustified criticism, contributing a measure of aggressiveness and intolerance which corresponds to that which they are said to be fighting. The sect opponents revenge themselves in kind to this criticism and accuse not only the Catholic lawyers, but also the scholars of doing business for the Vatican

The reason for the latest accusations of this kind is a printed collection published by Massimo Introvigne and GordonMeltonwhich appeared in June, and in which a total of 22 scholars from various countries very critically discussed the Guyard report (Pour en finir avec es sectes. Le debat sur le rapport de la commission parlementaire). The scientific competence of the authors is, beyond any doubt, sublime. These amount to acknowledged specialists in the area of sect research. Introvigne is director of the Center for the Study of New Religions (CESNUR) in Turin,Meltonis Director for the Institute for the Study of American Religions (ISAR) in Santa Barbara. In the introduction, the publisher stated that according to their findings, not one of the theologians referenced in this area of research had a positive assessment of the Guyard report. Nevertheless, there were supposed to have been thousands of specialists. If, as is statistically is to be expected, somewhere in the world a theologian or sociologist supports this parliamentary report and its methods, he was cordially invited to partake of the discussion in one of the international social science magazines.

Because of this provocation, which is unusual for a scientific publication, the Guyard Rapport went from a domestic political issue to an international affair. It cannot be foreseen at this time what influence this will have upon the domestic discussion in France. It is not expected that the sect opponents will accept the challenge from the scholars' corner. Initial reactions indicate much more that the discussion will not be carried out with scientific methods, but according to the rules of political correctness. If this is the case the scholars may have temporarily been dealt a bad hand.

The author is a religious scholar at the University of Leipzig.

Author of this page: Ingo Heinemann 1. Version 29.4.99
Original German:

This translation originated from

Ingo Heinemann: Scientology Critical Page
The original page (in german)
date of this translation: April 20, 1999

Electroshock by E-Meter?

Psychiatry Kills! is one of Scientology's provocative slogans.
The attack is directed mainly at electroshock therapy.

The following article contains one author's interpretation.
The title should get the point across that the discussion about the effectiveness of the e-meter
has also been carried out by scientists.

From: AGPF aktuell  II/88 vom  29.6.1988

by Ingo Heinemann

"Not many current authors have dealt with sciences such as cybernetics or bio-genetics so profusely ... Of the many roles which he has assumed in his life which is perhaps the most lasting: the poet as scientist or as alchemist who sometimes pursues the mortally dangerous search for self outside the realm of worldly observation."

That is what "Stern" magazine published on April 14, 1988 about William Borroughs, today 74 years old, the author of "Naked Lunch", veritable "cult guru of the hippie generation," and who partook of Scientology for a time.

"Scientology is, in principle, a system of control. It is like a city with its own courts, its own police, punishments and rewards. It is modelled according to the structure of a conspiratorial community - exactly like the CIA, Islam, the Mormons, etc. Inside are those who are in possession of the truth and are, consequently, always right - outside are the Reds, the apostates, the non-believers, the Suppressives.

And how does Hubbard do that? With the e-meter, of course. The e-meter is - among other things - a dependable lie detector in the hands of experts... With this device every organization can make itself into a god from whom no deed and no thought can be concealed.

Besides that, the e-meter is a bio-feedback instrument which sends a weak current through the brain. The persistently repeated commands in auditing steer the subject's consciousness into certain regions of the brain. It functions as a kind of electric stimulation of this brain region. That could be an explanation for the precise pictures and sequences which one sometimes sees in auditing."

 Borroughs: "Ali's Smile - Naked Scientology",
 German-English at: Expanded Media Editions ISBN 3-88030-011-9 (cited page 39).

AGPF comment:

According to this interpretation, Scientology administers a type of mild electroshock therapy.
That sheds a new light on the fact that the sect is leading a persistent campaign against the application of electroshock by psychiatry.

Author: Ingo Heinemann  1. Version 17 Apr 99

Sect corporations advance in the computer industry and gain reputable clients

From: "Focus 14/1999"
approx. April 5, 1999

Sibylle Kramer's career developed in promising way. Until just recently she handled computer peripherals throughout Europe for the Eurozerty company from the Netherlands. When her company changed ownership and she had to transfer to Hamburg in the same working capacity, she was happy to move to her new location.

Her enthusiasm disappeared on the first work day. The new management's customs seemed too peculiar to her. Every day at nine o'clock, the employees had to gather together for roll call to hear the slogan of the day shouted out as a battle cry, and the salespeople who had been recently successful were brought to the attention of the group and applauded.

Sibylle Kramer had ended up with Stephan Koenig, a known Scientologist. His business is called Laserplus, it deals in computer accessories, the same as Eurozerty, and is officially managed by Koenig's wife, Wiebke.

Laserplus, now incorporated under the same registered trade number as Eurozerty, is a member of the WISE (World Institute of Scientology Enterprises) business association, the most important money-making machine of the psycho-sect. The corporation (30 employees, 20 million marks in annual sales) also avails itself of an internet access which brings the visitor, after two mouseclicks, to Fort Harrison Avenue, Clearwater, Florida - the most important Scientology center in the USA next to Los Angeles.

Since then, the former manager of Eurozerty, Ms. Kramer, related what she knew about Koenig's company to the Hamburg Constitutional Security Agency. The Hamburg state Work Group on Scientology also had found that "something is going on the the computer area." The department director, Ursula Caberta, is concerned that Scientology companies could get into sensitive areas in other companies with their products.

Scientologist Koenig has landed a big one with his acquisition of Eurozerty. "Only a few providers," he said to other trade representatives, "share this market in Europe." And Eurozerty had some good business.

Yet another Scientology company is presently attempting to obtain a market share in the expanding computer field. Picco Computer Services [Picco Computerdienstleistungen] (Reinhard Jankowsky, proprietor) maintains a post office box in Hamburg-Altona and resides in an inconspicuous single family dwelling in the Pinneberg suburb. The "young team," according to their advertisement, "has set out to ease and support your *EDP department." Picco says that its customers include pharmaceutical companies, broadcasting companies, banks and - particularly piquant - the Foreign Affairs Office.

*EDP: Electronic Data Processing

[This occurred in 1992.]

In early February on the Hamburg electronic bulletin board, FRONT, I came across an advertisement under the name "Steven King" which looked like this:

    "Re: Help wanted
    placed on 9 Jan 1992 at 2:52:11
    by: Steven King #1503
    To: All
    Message was read by: 106
    Hello !
we are always looking for people who would like to work with us !
        Cosmos Computer GmbH & Co KG
Part time and special schedules accommodated.
Please e-mail me."

That was the start of my little odyssey which got me involved in the Scientology sect. I will describe it here in order to give people a feel for what's happening. I am now 21 and was stupid enough to fall for these folks, and there are enough people in FRONT who are younger than I am. It started out with me answering this electronic bulletin and this guy wrote back that he wanted to explain to me more clearly what the job was about. Part of what he wrote:

        "Re: Employment
This letter was written: 11:36:34 on 14 Jan 92
        by: Steven King #1503
        To: AKIRA #185
        We are a computer company which has been in existence
since 1979, Cosmos Computer GmbH & Co KG.  I am the business
manager here.  We're involved in the DOS / Unix areas.  We are
going through several changes and have a need for people of all
types, including those who take care of PC hardware, networks,
programming, customers, telephone sales, especially those who are
aggressive in sales.  We are a team of young people and are
"entirely different" from the other computer corporations.  In case
that interests you, then give me (or Mrs. Arwiler, my secretary)
a call for an appointment.  Here are several numbers, since I'm
difficult to reach:
        040 / 24 14 33   Cosmos
        040 / 24 14 81   HAUS
        040 / 490 30 55  P&B Management
        0161 / 24 20 500 Auto
Our address is: Steindamm 87, 2000 Hamburg 1 Until then,
        Stephan Koenig"

"Entirely different" had a funny sound to it, and I took the "agressive in sales" as a figure of speech, but the whole thing sounds quite interesting, doesn't it? Anyway I called up and set up an appointment for an interview with this secretary. A little later I was standing in the reception area of the Cosmos company on Steindamm. Everything appeared completely normal; the young people who worked there gave the impression that it was a pleasant place to work. A giant, homemade, telephone switchboard dominated the reception room. It made me more sympathetic for all the people who worked there. What was unusual was that I had to wait over half an hour, along with the two others who had been invited, until Mr. Koenig finally had time. But since I was sympathetic to the whole situation, that didn't make any difference to me.

Finally Mr. K. had time for me. First he wanted to know something about me and asked me all kinds of questions about computers. I have to say that this person wearing the sweater before me at the time had a powerful glow which emanated somehow from the way he spoke and listened. Anyway, he told me that the Cosmos company had been neglected for a long time and that he was trying to build it back up again. They were implementing an integration program for industry applications called INDO in a company by the same name in Ulm. He offered me a job which was to mostly consist of the servicing of customers (over the telephone) as part of this program. He offered me 20 marks [about $12.50] an hour to start, and I accepted. Then he gave me a demo version of the program with its documentation and told me that I should start the next week.

There was absolute nothing that was otherwise extraordinary about the company. When I took a look at the program at home the user interface, considering it had a price of 30,000 DM or more, looked like it was home-made, but since the program was supposed to run under many different operating systems, I didn't think anything of it.

When I began working with the company, my first job was to correct, by hand, a company flyer which had been printed out to addresses in the DDR [former East Germany]. 5,000 twos had to be changed to 5,000 threes in the date. I worked from nine in the morning until 8 or 9 at night. I didn't see anything more of Stephan Koenig. The current business manager was Robert Voss, a man who wore granny glasses and an ill-fitting suit.

My next job was debt collection. I was supposed to call up old debtors of the company and get them to pay. Brilliantly colored pictures hung in frames on the office walls. Most showed space scenes or scenes from the future out of science fiction books or films. At the time I stepped closer to one of the pictures. I had gotten my own "office" and it also included this art. It was signed with the name L. Ron Hubbard. Now I had already heard about this person before, and on the way down to Steindamm, you have to walk by the Scientology sect center. Therefore I thought that at least one of these people in Cosmos was in this sect which I had only heard about from Christiane F.

Now I thought that I wasn't especially susceptible to sects or anything like that. I also had the idea that I could afford to have a great deal of tolerance for unusual thinking. Besides that, none of the people there had tried to talk me into anything or had even mentioned a word to me. So I sat in my funny office and said to myself, "You might just as well work for these people and get your own personal impression of them and judge for yourself what you think of them as run away and work as a truck driver again, just because these people have a bad image or whatever." I thought that for 20 marks I'd rather take a closer look at these poor people than drag boxes around. On top of that, I urgently needed the money at the moment and could not afford to spend the rest of my summer vacation trying to look for a new job. Besides, there was a really pleasant working atmosphere in the office. The people who worked there were not in any way fanatical nor religious; they were humorous and nice. I already had my own area of responsibility after three days of being part of the operation, and nobody was supervising me; I just had to deliver results. Therefore I kept an open mind for the future with this company.

There were these ultra-modern organizational structures; on the wall hung an "org board on which every worker had his designated place in a funny hierarchy between "Treasury" and "Sales Officer." The goals of the company hung on the wall in "Policies" as "End product: highly rated services & products." Internal communications didn't go from basket to basket, but through a "Comm Center," which consisted of baskets.

I learned that it was important to maintain a good "comm line" with people. That interested me and I read in the newspaper about the good comm line the "ORG" had with the current political parties. I learned how you speak to people on the telephone by using the "ARC triangle," because communication between people needed three things: affinity, reality and (I forgot the third). I learned why a big company was called ARC-Music and to whom they belonged. Generally there were some in Hamburg which belonged to Scientology, especially in St. Georg. There was a long list of brokers who "belonged" to Scientology. Right in Hamburg. I saw the sales figures and statistics of the Heilig Werbeideen Co. in Schwaan, DDR. They were not a market leader only in their own state.

The empire was coordinated by the P&B Management company. One time we, a person from Cosmos and I, were supposed to get some equipment from Cosmos to P&B. Stephan set up an office there. P&B made "management contracts" with the companies it controlled. These quite clearly stated how the work was divided up. An excerpt from the contract with Heilig:

"P&B gives the management instructions [...]. Exceptions to these instructions are to be proposed in writing [...]. The parties to the contract agree that [..] the legal course of law is excluded [...] The completed contract must be submitted to P&B by no later than Monday. [...] On contract termination, a settlement agreement must be made with P&B.;This settlement agreement will be based, in advance, on the [...] rate of growth under P&B Management for 5 years. [...]" P&B Management resides at the highest floor of the office building at 22 Doormannsweg.

The view is not bad; on three sides you can see the city of Hamburg which bustles about below you in the dark. The traffic arteries pump a commercial gross social product through the night, and you ask yourself, which one of the gentlemen down there is talking to the man sitting here at the conference table on his mobile phone.

They have created a suitable atmosphere up here, with a red carpet and monumental oak furniture which boasts gold-bound editions of books by L. Ron Hubbard. The anteroom contains a computer the size of a VAX. My partner told me that he wanted to work here someday because they had a swimming pool and sauna for the use of all employees. He told me that he had gotten the books we carried into Stephan's "office" from Stephan's private residence. That was up in one of the Mundsburg skyscrapers. A sheik from Saudi Arabia lives near there. The contacts go worldwide. And for every city in Germany there are addresses in the Cosmos customer files. But it's not just brokers and attorneys who are retained by Scientology. In Cosmos' neighboring spaces, near the LENOMA installation company and not far from the Theta_Print publishers is the T.H.O.M.E. company. For a pile of money they bought advertisement time on this country's television stations, in which they broadcast ads for the "Ma Evans Cure" hair tonic. The connection, which I assume is next to Cosmos, runs hot and heavy with calls, mainly from older people, who wring their hands as they demand the miracle tonic which is supposed to make their hair grow.

The gift set with Lotion & Shampoo cost 160 marks [$100]. Ruediger Tuschen, in his forties and still in full possession of a natural head of hair, tells the fascinated customers: "Association tests for hairlessness which we have conducted in the USA have shown that, through the use of our tonic, not only is the circulation of the skin of the head stimulated, but completely bald spots of the head form new hair roots and new hair grows."

With time I noticed that the Cosmos company had a worker who lived in a room in the corner, and whose door was always shut. It was a foreigner who was twice as old as the average company employee. He was a university graduate and had been with the company a long time, but he was not a Scientology disciple. He told how he had gotten along well with the people in the beginning, but then somehow the decision had been made that Cosmos was going to work its way out of the burden of debt completely by Scientology means. All payments were frozen; notices were handed over to the faithful of the sect's private legal office. He himself had not received any pay for five months. In the meantime he was living off of biscuits and couldn't afford cigarettes any more. He had just now made a decision that he was going to look for a new position and give up all the work which he had invested in the company. At his age, that was not an easy decision.

Now I knew why it had been so hard for Stephan to sign my work contract and why he now, when I tried to put the pressure on him, could suddenly no longer be reached. Robert Voss promised me that I would get my money in two days and gave me a certificate for 500 marks. He said that they were in a "financially weak time" and that we would all get our money, later. But now I was seeing everything in a different light. This INDO program - I just noticed that it's simply not competitive and that its sale was just a small lie. Now it was clear to me that in the six weeks I had been working for Cosmos I had done nothing else but call up Heilig customers in the DDR and try to sell them cheap computer parts at inflated prices. Now I noticed that Mr. Voss was trying to sell a 70,000 mark program to a big business although he didn't even know how to administer a PC network. Now I saw that charges of fraud had been made against Mr. Koenig from several sides.

My last "official act" consisted of getting the company's fax machine back from the repair shop, a nice, normal office machine company by the university, and talking them in to putting the repair on credit, according to my instructions. The owner hesitated, but you could see what he was thinking: a computer company, nice letterhead, maybe there would be a long-term business relationship here? - His money is already gone.

Now I ask myself how I could have fallen for this and spent half my summer vacation working for these people. Yet it would be hard for me to tell the business manager that to his face. Where do people get these rhetorical abilities?

Today I sit here and wait for April 8, which is when my case against Cosmos comes before the labor court. The company owes me 2,500 marks. I have before me their attorney's response. Mr Gebhardt from Ploen wrote me:

"This complaint is the matter of a young man who has a great self-interest in computers and in working with them. As a result, he stopped by the business offices of the accused on multiple occasions. It was in this capacity that he got the impression that he was holding a job. He also presented a work contract. The business manager of the accused, Mr. Stefan Koenig, had, nevertheless, not signed this work contract." ....


'STEVEN KING' deceiving students

The Hamburg Scientologist, Stephan Koenig alias Steven King, is advertising for staff for his "Cosmos Computer GmbH & Co.KG" on the Steindamm over the "FRONT" electronic bulletin board. He just doesn't want to pay them. He tried to buy off Jan Schreiber (21), computer whiz and second semester law student for 500 marks - after they had agreed upon 15 marks an hour for a summer job. Instead of getting paid, according to Schreiber, Cosmos business manager Robert Voss had offered him free religious instruction. Schreiber, however, had no desire to be brainwashed, and he brought the case to the labor court. For Judge Peter Stein, it was an open-and-shut case. "I must instruct you that you could have an attorney provided for you," he told the student, "but you're not going to need him."

Judgment was passed that Cosmos had to pay the 2327.55 marks which was outstanding. It was a judgment by default: neither Koenig nor Voss appeared at the hearing. The police photographer was not at all happy about that. The state attorney's office would have liked to supplement its file with an actual photograph of "Steven King." The office is investigating charges by SPD people's representative Ursula Caberta against the Scientology sect on suspicion of being a criminal association, and had been looking into the Cosmos corporation. It is checking into whether the sect is bilking its member corporations so mercilessly that they are not able to pay people like Jan Schreiber, even if they would want to.


Scientology Jobber Cheated?

The Hamburg Cosmos computer corporation wanted to pay a student with Scientology courses instead of with money / Presumably some shady dealings with contact to others / LABOR COURT HEARING today

Jan Schreiber, law student, thinks he has experienced unbridled exploitation mania by a commercial sect with the name of "Scientology Church" during the past few weeks as an employee of the Hamburg Cosmos computer corporation. Today Cosmos' current business manager, Robert Voss, and the jobber are to meet before the labor court. The reason: Cosmos is alleged to have cheated Jan Schreiber out of his wages.

At the end of January '92, while he was looking for a job, the 21 year old computer freak found a help wanted ad in the Front electronic bulletin board - one of the largest of the approximately 300 private bulletin boards in Hamburg. Cosmos had described itself as "entirely different" from other computer companies, and was offering young people work in the sales and care of PC hardware, networks and programs. The goal: "to hit the jackpot." ["absahnen".]

"Sounds interesting," thought Jan Schreiber, and introduced himself to Stefan Koenig, who was Cosmos business manager on February 1, at the company on the Steindamm, not far from the German Scientology center. "I liked the company atmosphere. It seemed that mostly young people were working there," the student described his first impression. First Schreiber would have liked to get his new chief to agree on 20 marks student wages.

Schreiber had been engaged with Cosmos with his unrewarding activity since February 10: he had to alter the date on a flyer which had already been printed off. His next assignment was the collection of debts over the telephone. Finally he had to introduce himself to his new colleagues in a letter. "Super, that you're there!" a colleague wrote him back.

Upon a closer look at the company's situation, though, Schreiber had suspicions as to the effectiveness of the outdated computer and programs being offered by Cosmos. Still, it appeared to him that they had an ultra-modern organizational structure. "End product: highly-rated services and products" read a company slogan on the so-called "org board" on the wall. The "org board," a term broadcast by the management program of the commercial sect, was meant to show each worker the place he belonged to in the company's hierarchy. Schreiber finally caught on that he had landed in a sect operation after he found out about the Cosmos connections to the "Heilig" enterprise, which is firmly in the grasp of Scientology in the DDR [former East Germany] and to the P&B management consulting firm, which is known to be Scientologist.

For instance, the P&B company takes over business consulting for companies and charges them a percentage of their income before taxes, commissions and costs: that means of gross profit. In the meantime the P&B company is said to have taken over Cosmos; the former Cosmos business manager, Stefan Koenig, is now sitting in the boss's seat of P&B. When it was suggested to Schreiber that he could receive his wage in the form of so-called "co-courses" as Scientology training, which a colleague had described to him as staring into people's eyes for hours, he requested a written work contract. When he didn't receive it, he left the shady company.

Julia Kossann


Cosmos must pay

The Cosmos computer corporation, which is managed by Scientologists, will have to pay Jan Schreiber 2,228 marks in wages. As the taz reported yesterday, the enterprize had offered the student Scientology courses as payment for a job instead of money. Since no representative of the company appeared before the labor court yesterday, the judge passed default judgment which has one week to be appealed.


"Die Welt"

"Auditing course" as the dubious wages of work?

Student Jan Sch. went to the Hamburg labor court yesterday for wages he never received for six weeks work and won: labor court judge Peter Stein passed judgment that the Cosmos computer company had to pay him 2,300 marks. According to a statement by the law student, this was the sum the company owed him for six weeks of work, as agreed over the telephone. Instead of the money, the student was offered an "auditing course" for Scientology training.

The 21 year old had found the job for the company at the end of January, 1992 in a help wanted ad in an electronic bulletin board. Since the computer freak agreed to the 20 marks an hour and the "relaxed atmosphere," he accepted the position. With increasing insight into the company, the student started getting doubts about the competitiveness of the outdated and apparently over-priced computer programs which Cosmos was dealing in. When he finally found out that Cosmos was doing business with the "Heilig" enterprise in Schwann in the former DDR [East Germany] and with the P&B management consulting company, both allegedly Scientology operations, he immediately left the corporation which he had categorized as a sect branch.


Confessions of a Scientologist

[In the following narrative, last names are replaced by XXXXXX. (Note: Stephan and Stefan are two different people.) These collected narratives of a practicing Scientologist give a very good idea of the speech in use by the Scientology Church.]


Aug 10, 1991

Stephan XXXXXX              3rd Dynamic Liability

1. My friends are all ethical Scientologists.

2. I produced no more products for several months, yet compulsively kept up my false PR nonetheless. Since I had committed out-2D with a SO member, I have tried to evade ethics. I caused myself to receive a fax from Flag which I then altered to create the impression that I am unimpeachable. I have tried to appear extremely important and to gain friends by doing so. I have seen all activities (donations, etc.) on the third dynamic from this perspective. I have tried to hide my mistakes by distortions and lies. I have brought about much entheta (e.g., in money) in order to make less of others, to make myself seem important, and to gain the agreement of whomever I was dealing with. I have had evil intentions towards other members of the group. I have blamed my mistakes on others and not taken responsibility. I have invented stories and embellished events in order to use them for my PR. I have tried to trip up anybody who was powerful so that he could not be dangerous to me. I have written a letter of out-points to the ED Int. and was glad to be able to put one over on the Hamburg org. I have made the org look bad to others. I have dramatized out-points. I have spread out-points from companies which work closely with the org and have dramatized in order to be able to divert attention from the out-points of my production. I have given the impression that these companies are in difficulty because they have supported the org to an irrational degree and have let themselves be run by the org. I have tried to bring Thomas XXXX down. The Cosmos company has not been making a real GI for a while and I have not confronted it. I have a disagreement that Thomas is receiving money without having to work for it. I was glad when he had problems with his post in the org or on his bank lines, since "now he could see how bad he really is." I have not given him the support which he has to have as my friend. I have thought of myself as terribly important and dramatized this private importance to all others. I undertook everything to show others how i-m-p-o-r-t-a-n-t I am. I have defended this position by intentional use of false PR, lies and entheta about others. I have done an O/W write-up, although I had the idea that I will lose my head for these overts. I have done the conditions on the cycle with Thomas and sorted out the sit with Thomas and Gerdi and taken responsibility so that the company will again be healthy. I have started a project where I have to show genuine production independent of any kind of status. Through this activity I am again active on the Third Dynamic. I have done my conditions on the sit with the org. I have written a letter to the ED Int in which I expressed that I had wanted to put one over on the org, and that the real overts had been on my account.

3. I have - although I am in a tight financial situation - gotten DM 25,000.00 in cash for the HES of the Hamburg Org, which I am supposed to get back later as a check.

4. I apply for re-admittance back into the group.

Stephan XXXXXX          Liability             March 25, 91

1. Detlef Foulious and all "Schwaaners" are my friends.

2. I have harmed Detlef and the Third Dynamic in that I contributed heavily to the enturbulation of the Execs of the Heilig company, Rosi Mundl and Luise XXXXXXX. I have dramatized his out-points. I have assumed the false datum of 3.9 mil DM debt and spread it. I have taken not responsibility for the handling of others, but supported them in their actions. I supported the intention that Detlef not confront the situation and that he blow although in reality he was in the situation to handle. I thought that Detlef was being supported and wanted to be there. Although he had given me much Power, I had not supported him in this situation, since I had the feeling that he was dangerous to me. I have taken data from others as my own and spread it. I have constantly exaggerated things so that they became half-truths. I have done conditions on this cycle. I have done an RPEC, in which I had very many cognitions. It explained an awful lot. I have changed the foundation of all my communication.

3. Many people are especially needed in Schwaan at this time. Recruitment teams are in all Orgs. Although I would really like to drive to Schwaan right away, I am remaining here until tonight and I will help the recruitment teams. I will use my comm lines and my office. A broadcast concerning new people from Fa. HAUS (about 350 letters), which really would have been done tomorrow by Gerdi, will instead be done by me today, personally.

4. I apply for readmission to the group.

Aug 26, 1991
12:18 am

Stephan XXXXXX        Liability         3-25-91

1. Stefan YYYYYYYYYYY is my friend.

2. I am a liability to Stefan since I have committed an out-2D with his wife. It was not clear to me that Gail is married to him and that I was deceiving him. In addition I have brought case into this cycle, since I had charge on him as Qual-Sec, since he devaluated me. I have written up the out-2D as an overt and have gone to Ethics in order to get it handled, even though I expected that they would "rip my head off." I have pushed Gail to take responsibility for the cycle, and have communicated what she had done to Stefan and AOSH. I have done conditions on the 3rd dynamic.

3. I am - in case there is something on line - back in comm with Stefan again. I have sent Stefan a personal letter of apology.

4. I apply for re-entrance to the group.

Aug 26, 1991
12:22 am

Dear Stefan,

I am hereby making an entirely personal apology for having committed an out-2D with your wife.

The whole thing was just a game for me. Then I did not take any responsibility when I realized that there was something on the lines between you and Gail.

I would like for us to have the same good lines again that we had in the past.

much love

Stephan XXXXXXÿ

Nov 5, 1991 6:41
CO Hamburg Org <-----11-5-91--------------
Stephan XXXXXX

Dear Wiebke,

Please take a few minutes of your time to read these lines. In the past several months I have tried to get in comm with you, but have probably not done it with the needed intention. I know that I am presently an "ethics particle" in the Hamburg Org once again, anyway this is the treatment which I have to go through for the time being. I have certainly made many mistakes, nevertheless I am in the position to see and remedy them. However, since 1991 started there is a situation between me and the Hamburg Org (and only this org) which has not resolved itself. I wrote you about it at the time since I still wanted to do more for the org and didn't trust myself and did Q and A. At his point in time I had very good statistics as a Scientologist; for instance I had bridged over 1,000,000.00 DM for the org in the past 12 months. Even if I have indulged in a few flubs since then, my Stats as a Scientologist have not essentially changed, which, in my opinion, has been completely overlooked in Hamburg. At Detlef's suggestion I have put all my "good deeds" side by side with the bad. Here are the "good deeds" of the last two weeks:

  1. organized 5,000.00 DM for the AOSH carpet
  2. finished a Special Project for Gold (Commendation from EC)
  3. organized telephone and fax connections for OSA HH
  4. reg'ed 13,700.00 DM for Gabi XXXXXXX (Stuttgart)
  5. handled 10,000.00 DM Marion XXXXXXs bank for GI Hamburg Org
  6. organized 14,300.0 DM for Sabine XXXXXXXXXX GI Hamburg Org
  7. organized 2,200.00 DM for Marc XXXXXXXX Purif Start Hamburg Org
  8. started Michael XXXXX on DIV 6 Hamburg Org
  9. reg'ed Martin XXX after 1 1/2 years recoverd and Lifetime IAS
  10. got together 5,000.00 DM and made payment to Flag, myself
  11. made 1,500.00 DM payment to HH and bought Red Volumes
  12. put about 15,000.00 DM at others disposal for the Bridge

I continue to do many small cycles which I have not listed individually. I have done all this in addition to my production for Detlef, who has verified that he is receiving products from me. I have been assigned a lower condition from the Org with which I cannot assume because it is not my condition. I am presently doing everything possible in order to support this org. In spite of that, there has been something on the lines between me and the org since the beginning of the year. I have received Class XII HGC Sec Checks at Flag and am sure that there are no overts against the org. Please help me get this line cleared.