yes Charlie, this case is about Lisa McPherson, and what Scientology’s simplistic minions did to her while "duplicating source" (doing what L Ron Hubbard’s ‘dreck’ told them to do).

It is NOT about Bob Minton, and NOT about KEN DANDAR.

Scientology uses various techniques to win unwinnable cases, one of the ones used is to bury the opposition in paper. They did this during RTC Vs Lerma, the technique is identical to the techniques used on the unsuspecting new recruit to scientology when he walks into a scientology bookstore and sees all these titles and books and materials written by L Ron Hubbard – "There MUST be something there" is the implied message.

The huge filings of tons of paper, have the same intended effect of court cases, on the judges... they feel "The must be SOMETHING there"

Some of these techniques are described in an Essay called "The Art of deception II" at



Dandar is a small firm, ill equipped to handle those sort of filings. During the induced paper overload, many errors were made.. Omissions to good litigation... Errors like not objecting when an objection should be made, to ensure the detail, or allegation could be questioned or addressed later if need be.. or could be appealed...

Other larger firms were willing to help Dandar win this case handily... but their offers were refused. Why were they refused? I think out of greed.

Dandar fell for the cults drum beatings about "HOW MUCH and BY WHOME has been paid to you"... it was a non –issue, but Dandar flinched, and told bob to lie as a solution.

So the cults plan worked.

At one point Ken Dandar told Bob Minton, after Bob was appealing to Ken to get him out of this mess – facing two criminal perjury trials:

"Whether or not you goto jail for criminal perjury will not affect whether the Lisa case goes to trial"

A hell of statement from a guy you have given 2 million dollars to....whome you thought was a fellow ‘warrior’ in this grant quest for justice.

When John Merit, who was Bob’s Lawyer, testified, Bob and Stacy felt that as their lawyer John merit would just tell the truth. Instead he covered his ass.

A Lawyer cannot admit under oath that he told a client to lie... it means being immediate disbarment....

After John testified he went over to Patricia Greenway and gave her a hug... a lady that has been attacking the LMT to anyone that would listen to her scoiopathic rants since weeks after its inception.

Then he went over to Stacy, who was in complete shock.... her countenance was one of "Why, john, why did you DO it?"

And this man who was supposedly Bob and LMT’s "lawyer" said this: "That’s the great thing about being a son-of-bitch. You are untouchable".

With friends like this as your lawyers and counsel who the hell needs scientology as an enemy?

Arnie Lerma


arnaldo lerma (Lermanet_Com) Saturday, September 28, 2002 - 02:30 am

This might help put the minton accusations in perspective

The following is pure parody, and any semblance to people or places or
actual occurancess that 'did not exist', is of course just coincidence

In desolate Want Bucks gulch there was no love, beyond a love of money.
On the hillside, in a steep ravine lived a pair of unemployed
performers, who knew a good thing when they saw it. No one was quite
sure where they came from, having met under somewhat mysterious
circumstance. They donned the trappings of a producer and director and
cajoled the Golden Goose, who had had the temerity and optimism to try
and build a nest there, into laying a 2.5 million dollar egg for which
they promised to make a movie to expose the true nature of the 'aliens'
author.. Hey you can even be in the movie! Oh how neat! what fun! But
nobody likes a movie that brings to mind words like greed and scam about
the folks that directed it, and hard questions about just how much of
that Golden Egg was actually spent on it? Was it less than 10%?

The one that played a lady made a pass at the Golden goose, who was not
impressed, and then, without skipping a beat, went after the head of the
Golden Goose's outpost on the rugged, forbidding ravine, then went after
his lover, with a vengeance, telling all who would listen that she was a
member of the evil race of aliens, and was only after his money for sake
of her own dead galactic ruler.

When some of observers of activities in the Gulch grew weary of her
machinations they threw her out of the No-Lies bar room observation
tower, so she went over to the alternative religions inn and set up shop
there with 'them'. Where her venom , unopposed, and coming from on high
from a perch next to the hired Wagon Master found a small congregation
of folks who had never been fooled by the Galactic aliens, nor had any
experience looking directly down the borehole of their hired
bankruptcy-guns, and also had never seen the movie.

The hired Guns of the Golden Goose's ranch house seemed more concerned
with the success of the wagon train's journey to the promised land
filled with 80 million gold nuggets, than keeping the Golden Goose out
of prison for following their directions. Or was this part of the plan?
Hired Guns cannot admit telling a Golden Goose to lie in front of any
judge. They will have their license to carry guns taken away on the

The Golden Goose, realizing the frying pan was at hand, and that his own
hired guns were handing the handle to the aliens squawked loudly and
brought in his BIG guns, his big guns were most distraught that the
situation in Want Bucks gulch had gotten so out of hand.
They advised him to tell the truth. The Golden Goose, had been
previously convinced that the Judges in Want Bucks gulch were under
alien control, this was told to him in an air of complete certainty by
the wagon master and by both of the locally hired guns. In hindsight
this was an obvious ruse. Was it a ruse designed with intent to turn
justification for inept and inadequate litigation into a reason to force
the golden goose into the arms of the aliens' lieutenant Rinder? Was it
strategized that if he was forced into the aliens hands, his truths
might be portrayed as lies for hire?

At the instant the Golden Goose started to tell the truth, he was
upbraided, denigrated, and tarred and feathered in every public square
and repeatedly burned in effigy from various liberty trees. This was
done in a coordinated effort by 'them' .The author of this screed, feels
that this was orchestrated and directed by the directors of that movie..
in order to break the heart of the man that kept so many alive,
including the writer of this screed, long enough to tell this tale.

Was the motive to push the Golden Goose past his mere decision to tell
the whole of the truth all the way to become a liar for the aliens as it
was and is the only defense the wagon train driver had.
But there was and is no defense to the truth .

Except to get all your stories straight...
There certainly is motive if you believe the wagon masters tales about
the 80 million gold nuggets at the end of the yellow brick trail ahead..

Thats a lot more nuggets than even a fully fleeced Golden Goose could
lay.... why not turn his past hubris to advantage, and make him a useful
part of the show?
Cause, this is just another Wild West [show] and he is worth more dead
than alive....


arnaldo lerma (Lermanet_Com) Friday, September 27, 2002 - 09:12 pm

Why trash Bob Minton and anyone who dares disagree with the onesided
portrayals by patricia greenway via tigger?
The choice of discussion is between whether Ken Dandar may be a bungling
dingbat masquerading as a lawyer who has already surrendered most of the
lisa case to the clams due to incompetence, sloth or a bad choice of
advisors who is in turn now apparantly surrounded by dingbats

- or-

whether Bob Minton is still lying is no choice at all....

Discussion of either hypothetical when the spoon fed assertions come
from folks with a history and pattern of conduct of bearing axes to
grind,[ patricia, deanna, tigger ] who conveniently can't hear from the
back row [ patricia ] during hearings reveals the true identity of the
load of codswallop in question.

When the choices of who is defrauding whome were both on ourside, there
is no upside for blatent speculation, even when one side tries to ground
it upon a foundation of righteous indignation.

Arnie Lerma

My speculations as to what may be going on, were written only after the
fact of the "Bob Sold Out" campaign. I only recently checked out this
message board.

PS: If you beleive all you are being told by shirly wilson AKA tigger,
then I have a bridge to sell you.

PPS: Lets see what the judges have to say cause I don't have time for
this nonsense, I'd prefer to continue to help expose scientology and
help ex-members recover

I'd prefer to die speaking my mind than live fearing to speak.

The only thing that always works in scientology are its lawyers

The internet is the liberty tree of the new millennium

Secrets are the mortar binding lies as bricks together into prisons for
the mind - mentioned 4 January 2000 in The Washington
Post's - 'Reliable Source' column re "Scientologist with no HEAD"